PROJECT CITIZEN CIVIC EDUCATION International Program Government B Requirement Graduation Requirement – State Senior Culminating Project
The Beginnings Pay It Forward (Watch clip) Civic Education Middle school to High School International
Civic Participation Meet State requirement Can make a difference! WHY PROJECT CITIZEN? Civic Participation Meet State requirement Can make a difference!
Civic Knowledge Grades 9-12 Project Citizen students Public Policy Knowledge.
Creative writing and public policy PC students improved significantly more in persuasive writing ability. PC students had more knowledge of how to get a public policy adopted.
4-5 students in a group Team Leader TEAM WORK? GROUP WORK Problems/Solutions GROUP MATERIALS BINDER and FOUR TABS
HOW TO DO PROJECT CITIZEN Section 1 FIND A PROBLEM Community Map Brain Storm Investigate Narrow it down to your top 5 Select ONE – COOL TITLE FACE BOOK
What Criteria is Used to Select a Problem? Is the problem you selected important to you and other people in your community? Does government have some responsibility to deal with this problem? Will there be sufficient information about the problem to develop a good project? Is there a realistic possibility of solving the problem selected?
Project topics used A LOT School parking lot School roads to exit school building Pot holes/ road conditions Recreation centers Snow covered roads/ plowing School lunches Common Core and Testing
Some topic ideas for Project Citizen Rexburg Lake (like Rigby lake) Underage drugs and alcohol use Energy drinks E Cigarettes Education Hunting/Fishing Elk farms Food labels/ regulation Football/Sport – Concussions School zones Conservation Environmental issues Ban plastic bags TAX Alternative Energy School $ (Bus advertising could be one of the solutions) All day dates for dances ($, danger, etc.) Need meeting area for students (no real “commons”) at MHS – hall crowding and lack of socializing Several City of Rexburg ordinances are not enforced Littering on county lands (disposing of dead animal etc.) School hours (too early for adolescence). Human trafficking ALL students are not motivated to graduate (Technology diploma, area of study guidelines, etc.) Water storage for Eastern Idaho irrigation Suicide (Idaho)
HOW TO DO PROJECT CITIZEN Section 2 Decide on 3-4 Alternative SOLUTIONS Research solutions = public policy. Select 3-4 solutions to the problem Research the 3-4 Advantages and Disadvantages of each solution.
HOW TO DO PROJECT CITIZEN Section 3 Select ONE PUBLIC POLICY to SOLVE PROMBLEM What is your solution to the problem? Select ONE of your alternatives or combination Must be a Public Policy Solution Action by those who hold or affect government positions of authority. Government = city, county, State, National, School Board etc. Why that ONE over the others Statistics, Articles, Pictures, Graphs, Polls etc.
Definition and Activity Public policy is a concept or set of ideas that guides a course of action or a procedure used in dealing with public issues and problems. Laws, rules, regulations, by-laws, school rules, codes, ordinance, policy, etc. Use NEWSPAPERS to find 20 public policies.
HOW TO DO PROJECT CITIZEN Section 4 4. Developing an ACTION PLAN Bring to attention of Government Formulation of plan and those that will support it Adoption – When and who must adopt Implementation (Cost and benefits) Evaluation – Who will oversee it and evaluate that it is effective.
REQUIREMENTS EXAMPLE PORTFOLIO = BINDER and Slide Show as a visual aid PRESENTATION = Panel and teacher (20-25 minutes) RESEARCH! (CITED – APA) DRESS UP – Professional dress Follow up answering questions (5 minutes) Credit for Sources ( IN binder and ON slide show) (CITED – APA) EXAMPLE
APA BINDER: (RESEARCH) Title Page (1 for binder for group) Abstract (1 for binder for group) Introduction (1 for binder for group) Each Paper/Essay: Heading – Title (All same) Work Cited SEE Tutorial (link on website):
CONCLUSION WHY AND HOW IS IT DONE (Video overview) Work in groups 600 points possible = 200 individual points (group work and effort) + 400 points group score (Presentation and Portfolio) Nursery Rhyme (PRACTICE)
HUMPTY DUMPTY Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, All the King’s horses, And all the King’s men Couldn’t put Humpty together again!