Single Window To enhance the exchange of information between trade and government Tom Butterly Deputy Chief, Global Trade Solutions United Nations.


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Presentation transcript:

Single Window To enhance the exchange of information between trade and government Tom Butterly Deputy Chief, Global Trade Solutions United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT)

Agenda Single Window Concept UN/CEFACT Single Window Recommendations

WHY is TF a tool for development? Enquiry Validation Credit Arrangements Refund claim Long Lead items Export Licence Short Lead Components Delivery to port Documentation Dehire GKN pallets Delivery to customers warehouse Unload and store Retail sale Payment by customer Payment of transport and FOB charges Cost Invoice and order administration Unload, re- pack Delivery to customs warehouse Exit clearance from community Refund payment and administration 12 13 15 16 19 21 Weeks (approx) Main vessel loading Sea Crossing Main vessel off-loading Artwork Order receipt and administration Request Health Certificates, Licences Pre-shipment Inspection Customs formalities (Inland) Manufacture Load and despatch Proof of export Inwards clearance WHY is TF a tool for development? Trade facilitation allows to increase added value to the products and reduce cost – the green curve

Single Window Approach Single Window Concept Single Window Approach FROM TO One-stop solution offering official control with trade facilitation

Research into existing Single Window Facilities and future needs 2003 - 2006 UN/CEFACT Recommendation 33 – Single Window and Guidelines UN/CEFACT Recommendation 34 – Data Harmonization (Draft) UN/CEFACT Recommendation 35 – Legal Framework for a Single Window (Draft)

International Standards Supporting the Single Window Rec 33, 34,35 Single Window Cross Border Data Exchange UNeDocs, WCO DM, CBRDM National Data Harmonization UNTDED, CC, UN Locode, UN code lists, UNeDocs, Rec 34 Document Simplification and Standardization UN Layout Key, Master Document, UNTDED, TF Toolkit and Forms Repository Process Analysis and Simplification Business/Political Process Collaboration Between Trader and Government (UN/CEFACT Rec. 4, Rec. 18), UMM, UN/CEFACT International Supply Chain Reference model, GFP Audit Methodology, Revised Kyoto Convention, WCO Audit,Time Release Study, etc

UN/CEFACT Single Window Recommendation No UN/CEFACT Single Window Recommendation No. 33 Calls on Governments to establish a Single Window with the following features: Allow traders to lodge standardized information and documents with a single entry point to fulfil all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements If information is electronic then it need only be submitted once Allow for the sharing of information amongst government agencies in respect of international trade transactions

Recommendation 33 (continued): Provide coordinated controls and inspections of the various governmental authorities. Allow payment of duties and other charges Be a source of trade related government information Recommendation includes a set of Guidelines for the establishment of a Single Window

Guidelines on establishing a Single Window Overview description of a Single Window Common models for a Single Window Benefits of a Single Window Practical steps in planning and implementing a Single Window Key factors for a successful Single Window

Guidelines on establishing a Single Window - Annexes Annex A: Single Window Models - examples of existing or planned Single Windows Annex B: Practical Steps for Planning & Implementation Annex C: Components of a Feasibility Study Annex D: Tools & Techniques Annex E: Signposts - contact details for operational Single Windows and international organisation projects

UN/CEFACT Single Window Repository Case Studies on existing Single Window facilities Finland Germany Guatemala Hong Kong SAR China Mauritius Japan Malaysia Senegal Singapore Sweden United States Ghana

Diversity of SW models: adopting to specific national/regional conditions and requirements Financing By the State (Finland, Sweden, United States), By the private sector (e.g. Guatemala, Germany) Private-public partnership (e.g. China, Malaysia, Mauritius, Senegal, Singapore) The use of Single Window Compulsory (Finland, Guatemala, Mauritius, Senegal) Voluntary (China, Germany, Malaysia, Sweden, United States)

Diversity of SW models - continued Service Fees Free on charge (Finland, Sweden, United States) Paid based on various payment schemes (Guatemala, Germany, China, Malaysia, Mauritius, Senegal, Singapore)

Costs and Benefits of a Single Window Benefits for government and trade Faster processes, clearance and release Reduced costs of compliance Reduced corruption Reduction in bureaucratic processes Better collection of government revenues Improved trader compliance risk management techniques for control and enforcement purposes Predictable application and explanation of rules Implementation costs From less than one million US dollars (Guatemala) to Between 1and 4 million dollars (Finland, Senegal, Malaysia). In the US, the cost was significantly higher but the system is quite extensive and covers many additional areas. Benefits outweigh costs ……

Key factors for success Strong leadership, which can come from the private (Guatemala) or the public sector (Australia, Korea, Malaysia, Senegal, United States, Singapore) Cooperation and commitment of all stakeholders, private and public (Finland, Mauritius, Malaysia, Senegal, United States, Singapore) User-friendly system, which do not create complications for usual business procedures (Malaysia, Sweden, Senegal, United States) Investments in modern technologies (Guatemala, Malaysia) Phased, flexible approach (Germany, Mauritius, Singapore)

Main obstacles in implementation Political Will - Establishing cooperation and commitment of various state authorities involved in import/export procedures (Finland, USA) Changing the established business and State practices (Malaysia, Senegal, Singapore, United States) Modernizing the technologies currently used by the State and the private sector (Guatemala), and small and medium-sized enterprises, in particular (Sweden).

Single Window Approach Exchange of information between Single Windows Single Window Approach Need for International Standards

UN/CEFACT Recommendation 34 Data Harmonization and Standardization Use the DMs to develop harm. multilateral msg. specs. in UN/EDIFACT or XML format Combine national subsets into a multilateral subset of the CBRDM Map the standardized national data set to a UN/CEFACT Core Component based cross border data model WCO Data Model, UNeDocs, CBRDM Standardize the harmonized national data set by mapping to the UNTDED - ISO 7374 Consolidate the national data into a harmonized national trade data set Collect data and prepare a national trade data inventory

Recommendation 35 – Legal Framework Checklist of legal issues in Single Window implementation and interoperability Model Consortium Agreement Model End-User Agreement Guidelines with step-by-step description and examples for the implementation of the legal framework

Regional Single Window Initiatives Also working with regional Single Window initiatives, such as ASEAN APEC European Commission Key to regional initiatives is International Standards

Follow-up All UNECE Recommendations, codes, standards and publications are available for free on our website at: E-mail: