Innovative Teachers Leadership Award (ITLA) ITLA Note : Please follow the Instructions as specified in the ITLA template guideline.doc file, available in the Teacher’s Competition folder to complete this template
Index 1. Section – A Section – A Applicant’s profile 2. Section - B 3. Section – C – Letters of Support a. Professional Reflections b. Teacher’s PPT c. Community Work a. Administrator/ Principal/ Regional Co- ordinator b. Parent or Community Member c. Colleague
Section A - Personal Profile Registration Segment (Public / Private School OR Government OR special category(teaching physically challenged children or teacher being physically challenged) Government Name of the Teacher Ashutosh Karasharma Mishra Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) : 5 th July 1972 Address for CommunicationQtrs No. B-16 Address Line 1 At: JNV, Landiguda Address Line 2 PO: OMP Line, Dist: Koraput City, State, PIN, Country Orissa ID Personal Contact No. Landline Mobile School Name and AddressJNV, Koraput Address Line 1At: Landiguda Address Line 2PO: OMP Line, Dist: Koraput City, State, PIN, Country Orissa Language/s – can speak and understand English, Hindi, Oriya Teaching Focus e.g. Maths, Science, Social Studies etc. Social Studies (Geography) Classes taught (trade in the case of DGET): 9 th to 12 th I access my PC at: (Home/ School/ Internet Café/Do not access) Home Do you have a Passport? (Yes/No), if YES, Please give the Number No I would like to receive communication from Microsoft on such events and other activities: (Yes/No) Yes
Section B a.Professional ReflectionsProfessional Reflections Double Click on the icon below to write about your Professional Reflections. Section-B
Teacher’s PPT. (Best Lesson plan) Name of the presentation submitted for the contest “Climate of India” Class or age group (ppt. meant for which class or age group) IX and XI Objective Familiarize students with the terms, key concepts and basic principles associated with the climate of India. Provide them idea about the mechanism of Indian monsoon. Study the climate of India through the understanding and analysis of local climate. Explore the causative factor of the spatial variations in the climate of the country. Understand and analyze the variation of climatic phenomenon in the cycle of seasons. Make students aware of the change in climate (global warming) at local level to understand it at national and global level. After inserting the object (refer guidelines) Resize and place your embedded Ppt. here (you will see the first slide of your lesson plan) Section-B
List of Teacher’s work (other than the one submitted as ITLA contest entry): S.NoName of the Lesson PlanTarget Class No. of Students Covered Section-B
Community Work – Screenshot 1 (scanned document) A brief synopsis of the screen shot ( in 1 or 2 lines): Section-B
Community Work – Screenshot 2 (scanned document) A brief synopsis of the screen shot ( in 1 or 2 lines): Section-B
Community Work – Screenshot 3 (scanned document) A brief synopsis of the screen shot ( in 1 or 2 lines): Section-B
List of other work done towards community (Do not repeat the scanned items): S.NoName of the Community Work Beneficiaries & remarks Section-B
Section C Letters of Support
Letter of Support (Scanned copy) Administrator/ Principal/ Regional Co- ordinator Section-C
Letter of Support (Scanned copy) : Parent or Community Member Section-C
Letter of Support (Scanned copy) : Colleague Section-C
Message from the Teacher: