Opening Question (10/1/10) Please list what you believe are the four main effects of the Protestant Reformation – Put them in order from most important to least important – Luther Movie write up due Oct. 5 th ! – UNIT I, II, and III Test is next Thursday
Insert Peace of Westphalia Map
Thirty Years’ War ( ) Last Phase of War is the French vs. the Hapsburgs (Dynasty that rules Austria and Spain) Cardinal Richelieu helped get France involved – not for religious reasons – turns conflict into political one (French/Sweden/Protestant German States) defeat Hapsburg Coalition (HRE/Austria/Spain) Other countries help for their own reasons Denmark/Sweden both get involved – both lose to the Holy Roman Empire France and England did not because they had their own problems in their countries War starts as a Protestant Rebellion on May 23 rd 1618 Protestant Union initially succeeds but is pushed back by Holy Roman Empire Protestants in Germany look to outside countries for help War ends with the Peace of Westphalia (1648)
Causes and Effects of Thirty Years War CAUSES - Peace of Augsburg (1555) creates tension between Catholic and Protestant German States - Still much religious conflict in Germany after the Reformation - Protestants create a coalition and rebel against the Holy Roman Empire (HRE) in 1618 Desire of Countries and Rulers - Hapsburgs (HRE) want to stop the spread of Protestantism - French and Swedish wanted to weaken the HRE and the Hapsburgs - French turn the war from a religious one to a political one (role of Richelieu) EFFECTS - Switzerland and The Netherlands become independent - German States gained more independence and it became harder to unify Germany - Holy Roman Empire becomes pretty much useless - Hapsburg Ruling Family loses much power and influence - France emerges as the chief power on the continent of Europe - Wars will switch from being religious conflicts to mostly political ones afterwards
Review of Treaty of Westphalia Geography Activity 1.Spain, Spanish Netherlands, Franche- Comte, Milan, Naples, islands in the Mediterranean 2.Tuscany, East Prussia, and Brandenburg- Prussia 3.The Austrian Hapsburgs 4.The Austrian Hapsburgs Critical Thinking: Location France shared a number of borders with territory controlled by the Spanish Hapsburgs. French leaders may have felt threatened by the proximity of a powerful group such as the Hapsburgs…
Choices for Group Presentations next class… to review for the test. You must partner up with someone else in class (just one other person) You need to create a short 2-3 minute presentation on the topic your are assigned and teach the class to help us review for Thursday’s test You will have the remainder of class to prepare and we will start at the beginning of next class. TOPICS 1.Five World Religions 2.Origins/Causes of the Renaissance 3.Humanism 4.Da Vinci and Michelangelo 5.Albrecht Durer and Pieter Brueghel 6.Erasmus and Thomas More 7.Dante and Machiavelli 8.Shakespeare and Castiglione 9.Printing Press 10.Start of Reformation (Luther) 11.Reformation in England (Henry VII) 12.Calvinist Reformation (John Calvin’s movement) 13.Counter-Reformation 14.Effects of the Reformation
End of Day Question (11/18) What started the Thirty Years War? How did the war change over course of time? What were some major effects of the war? What ended the Thirty Years War? Please write out one complete paragraph answering all parts of the question…