Research Project Title Researcher Name #1 Researcher Name #2 Researcher Name #3 Researcher Name #4 Date of Presentation Name of Conference Presenting at
Introduction Provide a literature review of key studies that address the problem being studied. This includes providing a brief description of your conceptual framework that you may be using to guide your study.
Current Study State what your study is examining.
Research Questions What are your research questions that are being addressed in the study?
Research Hypothesis What is your research hypothesis?
Method: Participants/Demographics Describe who is your research sample and key descriptive information of the sample.
Method: Measures Describe the measures used in the study.
Method: Procedure Describe the research design and procedure utilized for the study.
Data Analysis/Results Describe the statistical analysis method used, criteria for significance (i.e., p =.05), and results. Can use charts or figures to present data.
Discussion Discuss the results and how they substantiate your research questions and hypothesis. How do the results relate to what you found in your literature review.
Discussion: Limitations Describe any limitations that may have affected the results of your study.
Discussion: Implications Describe any implications or suggestions for future research.
References List any references used in the presentation.