Mixing chemicals found in food.
Are you surprised? What do you think happens in your stomach when you mix several chemicals that are present in artificial food? For example: diet sodas contain all chemicals with no nutritive such as aspartame, artificial color and flavors. Chemicals in candy to provide flavor, color and stabilize shape.
Food chemical reaction Home Made Geyser What You Need: roll of Mentos candies 2-liter bottle of diet soda index card
Outside the classroom Remove lid from diet soda. Place index card on top. Place candy in a roll of paper so the candy will drop all at once. Remove the index card to drop candy into artificial soda Run fast.
Physics & Chemical reactions! Sodas contain compressed carbon dioxide. It's the gradual expansion and release of this pressurized gas in the form of bubbles that gives carbonated drinks their characteristic fizz. It's the surface tension of the liquid -- the strong attraction that bonds its water molecules together -- that prevents the gas from escaping all at once
When Mentos are added, that surface tension is disrupted by additives in the candy -- gelatin and gum arabic, to name two likely culprits -- and the outside surfaces of the Mentos provide "nucleation sites" that encourage the rapid formation of bubbles. When you drop Mentos into a carbonated beverage, then, you cause the sudden release of pressurized gas for which the only exit is up and out through the narrow neck of the soda bottle -- hence the spectacular fountain effect
Hypothesize: What do you think the chemical reaction is in your stomach?