Author: Luke Blanchard Professor: Dr. D. Tretheway Class: ME 447 Date: 6/4/2015
Covers the sweetness of the flavoring One of the factors that differentiates soda from juice
The Shelf Life of Soda
Approximate % Loss Bottle Size 2 L0.5 L Creep Water loss Sorption Closure Leakage Subtotal Permeation Total15.0 The numbers shown in the table above were retrieved from “Kodapak PET Thermoplastic Polyester and Shelf Life of Carbonated Beverages” by Eastman Chemical Products.
Permeation The process of: A substance being absorbed into a membrane Diffusing through the membrane Desorbing from the membrane into the solution on the opposite side
Factors Affecting Permeation Temperature The crystal structure of the membrane The pressure difference between the sides of the membrane Thickness of the membrane
The Setup of a Test Performed By M. Profaizer
FEA Models of Experiment
Results of Experiment (Temperature)
Results of Experiment (Varying Temperature)
Results of Experiment (Pressure)
Conclusion: How to Keep Your Pop Fresh
Reference Profaizer, M. “Shelf life of pet bottles estimated via a finite elements method simulation of carbon dioxide and oxygen permeability.” Brazilian Journal of Food Technology (2007): Print.