1 Name of Lead Organization (Name of Lead Principal Investigator) PULSE Proposal Full Template Key Graphic(s) (REPLACE THIS BOX AND INSERT FIGURE(S) AND FIGURE CAPTION) Technical Approach – Clearly describe the technical approach. – Outline and address all technical challenges inherent in the approach and possible solutions for overcoming potential problems. – Address how the proposed approach is revolutionary and how it rises above the current state of the practice. Prop TitleInsert proposal title Lead OrgInsert lead organization PIInsert PI name TeamTeam Affiliation 1 (Points of Contact) Team Affiliation 2 (Points of Contact) etc… Cost & Duration Phase 1: $ 0,000,000 (00 months) Phase 2: $ 0,000,000 (00 months) Phase 3: $ 0,000,000 (00 months) Total: $ 0,000,000 (00 months)
2 Lead Organization (Lead PI) Program Milestones and Goals PULSE Proposal Full Template Slide layout: – No set format required for this slide – Clearly describe proposal milestones and goals – Breakdown tasks by year and phase – Include cost of each task along with the main PIs responsible
3 Lead Organization (Lead PI) Teaming and Management Plan PULSE Proposal Full Template Slide layout: – No set format required for this slide – Describe structure of team and management plan – Include capabilities/expertise of each PI – Discuss how each performer will be integrated into the effort in order to reach final program goals – Include organization chart if needed