Brant Community Protocols and Processes Welcome to the Brant community electronic orientation package on community Protocols and processes. Revised September 2015
Background The Children and Youth Services Committee, represented by numerous sectors, has approved these community protocols This electronic orientation was developed by the Service Collaboration Working Group
Communication, Coordination, Collaboration The Brant community Protocols guide our daily practice in serving people - Communication, coordination & collaboration help us: Best meet the needs of the people we serve Address services for ‘ Most in Need ’ Avoid duplication and contradiction
Guiding Community Principles Family/person-centered service Work collaboratively Address ‘Most in Need’ Least intrusive services Utilize best practice Confidentiality Maximize available resources
Community Protocols Community Service Collaboration Protocol Case Resolution Protocol Community Crisis Protocol Infants and Toddlers Living in At Risk Environments Protocol Suicide Prevention Protocol Transition Planning Protocol and Procedures for Young People with Developmental Disabilities Transitioning Youth from Children’s Mental Health to Adult Mental Health and Addictions Services
Service Collaboration Protocol Ensures staff are working together when multiple agencies involved : Supports a single coordinated plan of care Supports coordinated & complementary services Avoids duplication and contradiction Every staff has a role in establishing and maintaining communication with other service providers
Collaboration Protocol cont’d Staff aware more than 1 agency involved - will communicate (with consent): All staff are responsible to initiate communication within 2 weeks with other providers Document the coordinated planning Identify clients ‘stressing’ service system as “Emergent” or “At Risk/Urgent”
Most in Need Tool Tool describes: Priority, Situation, & Timing of Request Action required for those prioritized as Emergent or At Risk/Urgent Emergent = Stressing service system; support needs not easily met At Risk/Urgent = Services near or are exhausted
CASE CONFERENCES Meeting together ensures: Seamless system for families Planning for individual’s outcomes Communication between services Coordination & collaboration for support plan
Case Conference Agenda Prepare: Have a clear purpose for the meeting Briefly review current situation Identify strengths, as well as needs & barriers *Explore support options & coordination of services Set an action plan - define who is doing what and when Ensure there is a single plan of care
CASE CONFERENCE ROLES “Case Manager” Role : Identify and invite participants Identify prior who will Chair meeting Identify prior who will take Minutes Prepare / present brief summary Identify and document a single plan of care Follow-up on your role after meeting
CASE RESOLUTION Protocol A community response to children/youth at risk: Urgent and complex needs Community services exhausted Barriers include resources Clinical recommendation for MCYS specialized treatment to stabilize Facilitated by Contact Brant
CASE RESOLUTION AGENDA - At Risk Need a clear plan based on clinical goals Case Manager prepares a Case Resolution Summary Report 4 days prior to meeting Case Res. Team, family & case manager discuss the plan, barriers, options Case Resolution Team only meets to address resources and how the support plan will be implemented
CASE RES AGENDA - Transitional Aged Youth At age 16: Review the developing integrated plan for a youth with a developmental disability At age 17: Confirm the integrated plan including discharge plan at age 18 from children’s services Case Manager submits the Transition Plan Case Res. Team discuss the plan, barriers, options; ensures a realistic plan is in place
CASE RESOLUTION ROLES Case Manager: Requests Case Resolution Invites family & staff Submits Case Res. package 4 days prior to meeting Clarifies any questions Supports individual/family Follows-up Updates Contact Brant re outcomes of the plan Contact Brant: Confirms eligibility/date Assists Case Manager Invites Case Res. Team Sends package to Team to review prior to meeting Chairs meeting Follows-up Prepares Case Res. Report for MCYS & Team Reports updates to Team Identifies gaps & pressures for system planning
Brant Community Crisis Protocol Crisis Plan template: Complete for individuals likely to have police or ER involvement Coordinated response for children and adults with special needs in crisis Cross-sectoral protocol & response
Crisis Protocol - cont’d Crisis Planning Use the Crisis Plan form Crisis Response – follow plan Post Crisis Follow-up – improve response
Crisis Response Services Did you Know? Integrated Crisis Services operates 24/7, 365 days per year; telephone counselling support and mobile response for all ages: or St. Leonard’s offers a Walk-In Clinic at 225 Fairview Drive, 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Six Nations Crisis Response provides similar phone counselling services:
Infants at Risk Protocol Infants and Toddlers Living in At Risk Environments Protocol Outlines interagency collaboration to support early detection and intervention of neglect, harm, or threat of harm of infants and toddlers under age 3 Staff should identify and consider risk factors as well as protective factors When a community staff identifies a concern, the protocol outlines steps for an Action Plan
Suicide Prevention Protocol Youth Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention Protocol Improve coordination and collaboration Decrease stigma Increase awareness of well-being and resources Clear pathways to services A CYS Suicide Prevention Committee is established
Transition Planning Protocol for Youth with a Developmental Disability Provincially mandated Regional Protocol for youth with a developmental disability: At age 14 start planning; refer to Contact Brant Develop a written integrated transition plan that helps prepare the youth for community life in the future; update at least annually Build on youth’s interests, strengths & goals Plan with: Youth & family, school, children’s services What can we build on now to prepare a youth for the future?
TAY Planning Checklist Use the Checklist template! Transition Planning should identify: What the youth wants What they need now and in the future How they want to do things Who they want to help them Involve youth, family, service providers & school Ensure Transition Plans are meaningful and seamless at age 18 The plan is about community involvement and quality of life
Transitioning from Children’s Mental Health Services Protocol Transitioning Youth from Children’s Mental Health to Adult Mental Health & Addictions Services Community Protocol Ensures a coordinated transition plan for youth with acute mental health needs/longer-term service users at highest risk who require on-going mental health and addictions supports
Transitioning from Children’s Mental Health cont’d Start planning at age 14 with youth By age 16, provide information about services, expectations once 18, and support connections to adult mental health & addictions services Support increased independence By age 18, the youth has a coordinated transition plan between children's mental health services and adult mental health & addictions services
Other Community Resources
Residential Placement Advisory Committee Child & Family Services Act legislates RPAC reviews For children/youth placed in a residential facility of 10+ beds, staying over 90 days Within 45 days of placement & every 9 months To advise, inform, assist re residential service and alternatives; recommend appropriateness RPAC Team includes: An Informed Citizen; a Children’s Service provider; an Aboriginal representative (when appropriate) Contact Brant coordinates for Brant
RPAC Agenda Case Manager: Prepares a summary report and submits 48 hours prior to Contact Brant Makes a brief presentation; child/family & residence may also present RPAC Team reviews the reason for residential placement, the goals of placement, and appropriateness of the residential placement RPAC is chaired by Contact Brant
RPAC ROLES Case Manager : Notifies Contact Brant within 7 days of residential placement Prepares package 48 hours prior to RPAC Invites participants Supports child/family Presents briefly Follows-up with residential provider and community services Notifies Contact Brant when discharged Contact Brant : Assists Case Manager Sets date of RPAC meeting Invites RPAC Team Ensures package copied for RPAC Team Chairs meeting Submits RPAC Report to MCYS Identifies future review dates when needed
Tele-Mental Health Services Access to child psychiatrists through Woodview Mental Health and Autism Services’ Tele-Mental Health Services Videoconferencing equipment at Woodview and other community sites Individual consultation Program consultation Educational sessions
. A community publication of free workshops, courses, groups, and events offered by local organizations for families, children & teens Publications 3 times per year Available at your agency, or electronically at: www.
A web-based Community Services Information Database: Make sure your programs are listed and updated! This database is used by 211 Ontario to provide their information for Brant, Haldimand & Norfolk: call /7; also used by the provincial Healthline Managed locally by Contact Brant
. Be Safe is a free phone app to help youth connect with local mental health & addiction resources Be Safe is available for free download to any Apple or Android mobile device from: Select: Region – Brant Created by the Suicide Prevention Committee
Guides young people and adults to services and resources in Brant, as well as Haldimand-Norfolk Created by the Suicide Prevention Committee
Community Collaboration around supporting people… Communicate Coordinate Collaborate Together we can make things happen!
For information & help with Community Protocols & Processes: Call: (519)