Vocabulary List 1 now known as “10 Words”
Abduct Adhere Aspire Blemish Deface Nocturnal Perplex Salutation Whimsical Wrath
Write the definition and part of speech for each word on your paper. Parts of speech: (v) – verb (n) – noun (adj) – adjective Read each sentence and try to learn each word.
Abduct (v) to kidnap or take by force Pedophiles sometimes abduct a child from his home.
Adhere (v) to hold firmly to or stick to something I will always adhere to what I believe in, even when others don’t agree.
Aspire (v) to seek to accomplish a goal She aspires to sing on Broadway one day.
Blemish (n) a flaw that tarnishes the appearance of something The tardy left a blemish on my perfect attendance record.
Deface (v) to ruin the appearance of The principal suspended them for defacing the statue.
Nocturnal (adj) relating to something that occurs at night Legends about vampires claim the immortal beings are nocturnal.
Perplex (v) to confuse or make difficult I became perplexed when my algebra teacher used negative numbers.
Salutation (n) a formal greeting We always write salutations to say hello in our letters to the soldiers.
Whimsical (adj) fanciful or fantasy-like The whimsical girl had daydreams about unicorns and knights.
Wrath (n) anger and feelings of revenge After his father was killed by the mob, the son was full of wrath and vowed revenge.
Synonyms Each of these is a synonym for one of the 10 words. Determine which word and add it to your paper: capturehopenighttime confuseimperfectionwelcome furyimpractical glueinjure
Antonyms Each of these is an antonym for one of the 10 words. Determine which word and add it to your paper: beautyloosenrescue detestlovesimplify diurnalrealistic farewellrebuild
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