Overlaying the Venn Diagram helps students see that both visuals are showing the same information.
THOUGHT PROCESS Classifying KEY WORDS Classify, sort, group, categorize, give sufficient and related details, types of, kinds of, list and elaborate, taxonomy KEY WORDS Classify, sort, group, categorize, give sufficient and related details, types of, kinds of, list and elaborate, taxonomy THE TREE MAP
A “Growing” Tree Map
THOUGHT PROCESS Whole-Part Relationship KEY WORDS Parts of, take apart, show structure, physical components, anatomy KEY WORDS Parts of, take apart, show structure, physical components, anatomy THE BRACE MAP
THOUGHT PROCESS Sequence KEY WORDS Sequence, put in order, order, recount-retell, what happens next, cycles, patterns, processes, change, solve multi-step problems KEY WORDS Sequence, put in order, order, recount-retell, what happens next, cycles, patterns, processes, change, solve multi-step problems THE FLOW MAP
THOUGHT PROCESS Cause and Effect KEY WORDS Causes and effects, discuss consequences, what would happen if, predict, change, identify motives, why, results, outcomes, benefits KEY WORDS Causes and effects, discuss consequences, what would happen if, predict, change, identify motives, why, results, outcomes, benefits THE MULTI-FLOW MAP
THOUGHT PROCESS Seeing Analogies or Seeing Relationships and Connections KEY WORDS Identify the common relationship, guess the rule, interpret symbols, simile, metaphor, allegory, ratio KEY WORDS Identify the common relationship, guess the rule, interpret symbols, simile, metaphor, allegory, ratio THE BRIDGE MAP
…is to…
Comes before A B C D THE “FAT” BRIDGE
Adding a Frame of Reference How do you know what you know about this topic? Did your information come from a specific source? Is this information being influenced by a specific point of view? Who could use this information? Why is this information important?
Our Plan for Implementation: What You Can Expect During the First Nine Weeks of School Our school is implementing the Thinking Maps. We want to cultivate students into better learners, writers, and thinkers. Map Memos will be sent home to keep you informed of which Map we are covering and provide suggestions for home use of the Map. We believe in the power of visuals and patterns for the brain (remember the group quiz)! Students will learn the Maps and use them as part of classwork and homework. Be prepared for your children to AMAZE you!