13th INIS/ETDE Joint Technical Committee Meeting IAEA Agenda Item 1.4 INIS/ETDE Working Groups 13th Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting October 2011, Vienna, Austria Ms. Debbie Cutler Operating Agent Representative, IEA Energy Technology Data Exchange
13th INIS/ETDE Joint Technical Committee Meeting IAEA INIS/ETDE Working Groups JTC Working Groups that have had activity since the 12 th JTC meeting are: –Working Group on Metrics –Working Group on Subject Analysis-related Tasks –Other Working Group ideas (such as work on revisions to the Guide to Bibliographic Description (making it also a joint manual) ) awaited decisions on software, etc.
13th INIS/ETDE Joint Technical Committee Meeting IAEA Metrics Working Group Status Working group formed at 12 th JTC Task: JTC subgroup to define INIS/ETDE metrics for measuring the usage of the databases Members: Denmark (Line Nissen), Japan (Hidemitsu Nakajima), Germany (Silke Rehme), IAEA (Dobie Savić, Tahgrid Atieh, Zbigniew (ZB) Majewski), and ETDE (Debbie Cutler), Lead.
13th INIS/ETDE Joint Technical Committee Meeting IAEA Metrics Working Group Status Status report presented at 35 th INIS ILO meeting General agreement at ILO that Google Analytics software a standard for INIS No recent working group activity; ETDE group lead had been awaiting activation of Google Analytics software and time for training overviews ETDEWEB info now being logged; access to metrics to be shared with members soon Discuss continued need for working group following agenda item 3.5
13th INIS/ETDE Joint Technical Committee Meeting IAEA Subject Analysis Working Group Previous JTC activity resulted in a working group to revise the Subject Categories and Scope; this task now completed Next task previously discussed - review the Manual for Subject Analysis (INIS/ETDE—03) for possible updates needed to align with the updated categories and also add a greater variety of examples
13th INIS/ETDE Joint Technical Committee Meeting IAEA Subject Analysis Working Group Recently, INIS established a Thesaurus Advisory Group under Google groups to discuss thesaurus- related issues Participating so far are: Argentina, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, INIS and ETDE If the JTC agrees, and Group members are willing, it appears logical that this Group could also provide input/feedback on updating the manual; ETDE willing to lead initial review to identify areas requiring update, if desired
13th INIS/ETDE Joint Technical Committee Meeting IAEA Feedback Metrics: Initial thoughts from JTC members concerning the metrics subgroup continuation (final decision after 3.5)? Thesaurus: Do JTC members’ support work on revising the Manual for Subject Analysis? If so, should the Thesaurus Advisory group help support this task? Are there other needed tasks that JTC members believe a subgroup could help address (might also be suitable to confirm needs at the end of the meeting)?
13th INIS/ETDE Joint Technical Committee Meeting IAEA Questions/Comments? Thank You!