Mission and Vision My Core Values, Our Shared Beliefs
APS VISION: The vision of Atlanta Public Schools is to be a student-centered, high- performing urban school district, where all students become successful, life-long learners and leaders. APS MISSION Atlanta Public Schools educates all students through academic excellence, preparing them for success in life, service and leadership. Our Vision and Mission
What We Believe
What We Believe - solo Look at the list of words Quickly select all those that are expressed in your school’s mission and vision Avoid (don’t select) words that aren’t expressed
What We Believe - solo Look at the words you selected Choose seven words that are most important to your school’s mission and vision
What We Believe - cluster Look at your seven words Find these words on the wall by cluster Write your FIRST name on each of the pages that list your seven words
MISSION and VISION - cluster Stand in front of one of the pages Count the number of names under each of the four words on the page Write the numbers in large print on the page
MISSION and VISION – teams Write a new mission and a new vision incorporating the “value” words or the essence of these words
MISSION and VISION – teams Share your draft mission and vision statements that incorporate the “value” words or the essence of these words
These are all our children; we will benefit by or pay for what they become. James Baldwin Why Mission and Vision Matter