Aim: How do we figure out what prefixes tell us? Do Now: Have your 3 goals from yesterday out on your desk. What is the difference between a prefix and a suffix?
Prefix Added before the root of a word
Prefix Examples unhappy : un is a negative prefix prefix, preview : pre is a prefix, with the sense of before redo, review. : re is a prefix meaning again. dishonest, disobey: dis is also a negative prefix impolite, immature: im has the meaning of dis. inadequate, incomplete: in has the meaning of dis and im. atheist, anarchy : a and an have the meaning of dis, im, and in (not) and without.
What do the following words mean? Antisocial Beneficial Confirm Comply Credulous Deconstruct Dictation Entangle Fallacious Foreground Malware Omnipotent Paraphrase Prehistoric Propel Transport Unable Uniform
Common Prefixes Anti Bene Com Con Cre De Dict En Fal Fore Mal Omni Para Pre Pro Trans Un Uni
PrefixMeaningExamples AntiAgainst, opposite BeneGood ComWith, together ConWith, together CredBelieve DictSay, Speak EnPut into, make, provide with FalDeceive, lie ForeBefore MalBad OmniAll, every ParaBeside PreBefore ProFor, Forward TransAcross UnAgaint, not, opposite UniOne