Timeline Projects CH 5/6DUE Friday / tomorrow CH 7/8DUE Monday, Jan CH 9/10DUE Thur Jan 24 CH 11/12DUE Fri Jan 25 CH 13/14DUE Mon Jan 28
Root Word Def.Derived Words GonAnglePolygon, hexagon grad-, -gred-, gress- walk, step, gograde, regress, gradual, gradiant Hetero Various, Unlike, Different heterogenous, heterosexual HomoSame, Likehomogenous, homosexual
Root Words in Your Comp Book Derived Words PictogramWord Def.Sentence Gon grad-, -gred-, gress- Hetero Homo
18. List all of the conditions and events that you believe helped propel Douglass forward, toward freedom. Remember that many unfair negative events and conditions propelled him forward. 15. How did slave masters control slaves’ behavior? List all the methods you can find / think of.
TOMORROW / WEDNESDAY Frederick Douglass EXAM Bring silent, independent reading If you finish early, you will… 1. silent reading 2. find events in F.D. that demonstrate inhumane treatment of slaves so we can share specific examples with the psychoanalyst Thur.