My Report on _____________ By _______________ January 2006 Mr. Curry’s Class ___ Place a flag or cool map of your country from its continent
Introduction The nation of…
The People The population of …
The Cities of _________ The nation of…has a rural percentage of ___% and ___% are urban. The major cities are… Place a graph of your country’s population data here or perhaps an image of a city
The Culture of _______ The main language(s) is/are… The major ethnic groups are The main religions of the country are Add a picture or graph on the slide
Geography _________ is located in the _________ and ________ hemispheres on the continent of ____________. It is bordered by_____ Place a political map here
Geography The major landforms are: The Major rivers include Place a physical or landform map here
Economy The main Natural Resources are… The major crops are… Add a picture or graph on the slide
Economy The main products produced are… The main industries are… The GDP (per capita) is $ ______ which, compared to the US is __ Add a picture or graph on the slide
The _____ The nation of…
The _____ The nation of…
History The earliest known civilization in _______ … Add a picture or graphic on the slide
History During the colonial era, _________________ was a … In the 20 th century… Add a picture or graphic on the slide
History - Timeline The _______ … 54 BC Agric…
Government Form of Government The government is a … Leadership The Head of State is… The people elect… There are courts which… Add a picture or graph on the slide
Modern _________ The nation of…
Modern ________ Some of the major challenges of life in ___________ today include…
Conclusion The _______ … Add a picture or graph on the slide
Conclusion The nation of…
Bibliography Students will use MLA Style format for showing resources used in all project elements. Example for web site: "Encyclopædia Britannica World Atlas" Encyclopædia Britannica Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. 16 Oct
Bibliography Students will use MLA Style format for showing resources used in all project elements. Example for web site: "Encyclopædia Britannica World Atlas" Encyclopædia Britannica Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. 16 Oct
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