Editing Documents Dr. Anatoliy Tmanov Pennsylvania State University
Seminar Goals Learn tools used to edit documents Learn the following options: Spacing and interval properties Spacing and interval properties Tabulations Tabulations Bullets and lists Bullets and lists Columns Columns Fonts Fonts Styles Styles Graphic objects Graphic objects
Indents and TAB Open document with text Switch into print layout Turn on rules. First line indent Hanging indent Left indent Right indent First Line Indent Hanging Indent Left Indent Right Indent
Text with Indents
Exercise Working with indents
Text alignment LeftCenterJustifyRight
How do we read? Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Exercise Working on alignments
Format Paragraph Select Format – Paragraph IndentationSpacing
Lists Select all text – CTRL+A Choose numbering Choose bullets Formatting of lists
exercise Bullets and Numbering
Columns Select text Apply columns
Formatting of text Symbol properties Bold Bold Italics Italics Underlined Underlined Font size Font size Font type Font type Font color Font color Highlighting Highlighting Superscript Superscript Subscript Subscript
exercise Text formatting
Font Properties Format - Font
Format Paste CopyCutPaste Use of tool Paste Format Paste Format Single click, double click Single click, double click
exercise Paste format
Tabulation Creating of simple tables and text Tabulation types Aligned to left Aligned to left Aligned to right Aligned to right Centered Centered To decimal point To decimal point Add a LEADER Add a LEADER
Styles Description of paragraph style or symbols Styles: Paragraph and symbol Any symbol has two styles: Main and default font of paragraph Main and default font of paragraph Create new style Create new style Format – Styles and Formatting Format – Styles and Formatting New style New style
exercise Create your own styles in text
Graphic Objects Drawing toolbar Create drawing Canvas Canvas Object Object Format canvas Format object Insert text (format text) OrderAnchor
Difference in graphics Working with bitmap (raster) graphics – description of absolute position of pixel (example – digital pictures, clipart) Working with vector graphics (lines, arrows, callouts and other) – mathematic formula Do not care about the size of graphics unless you want to send it by
exercise Creating of vector graphics
Clip Art Insert clip art Zoom Zoom Clip art properties Clip art properties
exercise Working with bitmap (raster) graphics Do not overdo with resizing!
Insert picture Work with pictures
Conclusion Learned to use toolbars to change and format text Learned the following options: Properties of indent and spacing Properties of indent and spacing Tabulation Tabulation Bullets and numbering Bullets and numbering Columns Columns Font selection Font selection Styles Styles Graphic objects Graphic objects