Creating a Search Statement: Boolean
Information Overload Finding reliable information Library Databases Researching a topic
Is television to blame for teenagers who behave violently?
Combine concepts television AND violence teenagers AND Is television to blame for teenagers who behave violently? Boolean Operators: And: Combines Concepts
Synonyms/Closely Related Words Hispanics: kids: obesity: Common knowledge Subject Terms/Thesaurus words from abstracts
Synonyms/Closely Related Words Hispanics: Mexican-American, Latinos, Chicanos kids: youth, children, teenagers, toddlers, adolescent obesity: fat, overweight television: violence: teenagers:
Select words to express concept. Is television to blame for teenagers who behave violently? AND television OR TV violence OR anger OR bully AND teenagers OR minors OR youth Boolean Operators: OR: Combines Synonyms
Boolean Searching – Week One Write a clear statement about topic Divide topic statement into concepts Find synonyms for keywords
Boolean Search Statement Is television to blame for teenagers who behave violently television OR media violence OR anger teenagers OR Youth OR minors AND
Expanding your Search Truncation retrieves the various (variant) forms of a word Example: industrial
Truncate: Industr*
To truncate in databases, use [shift] and asterisk *
Truncate the following terms: sexist disability education
sexism: sexis* includes: sexist, sexists, sexism disability: disab* includes: disabled, disability, disabilities education: educat* includes: educating, educated, educator
Example 2 Is there racial inequality in the workplace?
Divide Statement into Concepts Is there racial inequality in the workplace? AND inequality workplace racial
Select words to express each concept AND workplace OR employment OR jobs AND race OR ethnic OR minority Is there racial inequality in the workplace? inequality OR discrimination OR prejudice
Search in Academic Search Elite Default: Select a Field Narrow search to words only found in the: Title Abstract
Article retrieved by searching Title in Academic Search Elite
Article retrieved by searching Abstract in Academic Search Elite
Boolean Searching Write out your topic as a sentence Divide topic into main concepts Select additional words to express each concept Truncate where appropriate
In order to search in Library Databases you must first: Write out your topic in one or two sentences Select your topic main concepts 2 to 4 main concepts Concepts = poverty, Internet, obesity, college When you use: increase, type of, improve, caused = list out how it would be measured
Edit: Select a Field (optional) To narrow Title Subject Terms To broaden: must use truncation and synonyms first Abstract All Text