The Progressives Respond Chapter Seventeen
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Introduction 17.1 Wanted: Social and political reformers to take on a fixer-up – no experience necessary. Must have good work ethic.
Where did PROGRESSIVISM come from? Industrialization / urbanization / immigration –These things added up caused massive change in America »Jane Addams – Hull House / First Settlement House Progressives were activists Progressivism came out of two reform movements:
Where did PROGRESSIVISM come from? Populism: rural reform movement Social Gospel: society takes responsibility for those less fortunate Progressivism was a combination of these two movements
The Progressivism Challenge to Social Darwinism Progressives thought social Darwinism was a distortion of democracy –Trust and monopolies harm the average American »Felt government should intervene Progressives were generally moderate
17.3 Chart (p. 222) TopicHow it WASHow it was REFORMED City Life Child Labor / Education Workplace Conditions
Political Reforms Political Merchants –Philadelphia Teachers Reform for politics started at the city level »Why? Sam Jones / Tom Johnson »Public transport / Public recreation / Public health Galveston hurricane forces change indirectly Evolution of specialists in cities
State Level Reform 5 Voting Reforms: –Secret Ballot »One color ballots –Direct Primary »Elections to see who was going to run –Recall »Voters can remove elected officials –Initiative »Citizens can propose laws - petitions –Referendum »Approval or rejection by voters of proposed law
State Gov’t Reform “Battlin’ Bob” LaFollette –LaFollette Reforms »Used the election reforms in Wisconsin, put theory into practice –Battled the railroads on shipping rates Hiram Johnson –Championed many Progressive reforms »Utilities, child labor, 8 hour work days for women, and helped to limit the power of the railroads »“Kick the Union Pacific Railroad out of Politics”
Progressives and Social Inequality Voting is / was critical for social change –NAWSA – led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton Organized the suffrage movement First victories came at the state level »Jeanette Rankin – elected to the House four years before women could vote (MT)
Progressives and Social Inequality 4/5 of African Americans live in the South in 1900 Disenfranchised and uneducated – inspired by Progressive ideals –Booker T. Washington – Tuskegee Institute »Vocational college for African Americans –Formation of the NAACP »Through journalism the NAACP brought about change (W.E.B. DuBois, Ida B. Wells-Barnett) »No laws against lynching –Contrasting ideas between Washington and DuBois