Astro Report to ATUC – October 2011 Simon Johnston Head Astrophysics, CASS ATUC, October 2011
Astrophysics Team (30 FTEs) Head Astrophysics Me since 1 July 8 staff Baerbel, George, Ilana, Jill, Lisa, Naomi (deputy), Ray, Robert 3 Bolton Fellows Jimi, Shari, Shea [Keith starting soon] 6 OCEs Alex, Bjorn, Mike, Russell, Ryan, Shane [Seb, Tim, Peter] 2 Super Science Fellows (Ivy, Tom) Future Fellow (Nick) VLBI Postdoc (Iannis) Retirees (Dave, Dick, Jim, Ron) Support (Jonathan, Ankur) and “Part-timers” (15 people) 35 co-supervised students
Astro Group Roles Science National Facility Education Work Place ASKAP CASS Telescopes Collaborate Students Commission ASKAP External Telescopes Facilitate Public & Media Great to work at Great to work with
Highlights 2011 MNRAS 416, 832 PARKES RADIO SCHOOL 2011
CASS Management shows ATUC Chair the True Path
Shall we go left or right?
CASS Management shows ATUC Chair the True Path Shall we go left or right? Consult the Users !!
Astro Group Response to the Operations Plan ASKAP Crucial to get it built to full scope!! Will put in the commissioning effort Concerns over timescales and ultimate performance. PARKES Positive as regards remote observing capability. Some concern over front-end/back-end rationalisation and what it means for “smaller” users. How will new large projects get started? No change requested for next semester. ATCA Positive as regards continuing ability to observe and be DA at site. 90 GHz worth keeping at this stage. MOPRA Strong desire to have Mopra continue as a NF through winter 2013 in order to (mostly) complete Legacy Projects. Pay-off for effort.
My Vision for the end of 2014 ASKAP Survey Science Projects are underway Exciting new era for radio astronomy Parkes continues to excel in scientific output Has detected neutrinos and gravitational waves?? CABB on ATCA highly productive 1 to 100 GHz performance Mopra Legacy Projects reaping dividends on ALMA eVLBI follow up of ASKAP transients SKA hosted in Australia Astro is a productive workplace Attracting the best postdocs and visitors Vibrant student program Trusted collaborator
My Vision for the end of 2014 ASKAP Survey Science Projects are underway Exciting new era for radio astronomy Parkes continues to excel in scientific output Has detected neutrinos from the moon and gravitational waves?? CABB on ATCA highly productive 1 to 100 GHz performance Mopra Legacy Projects reaping dividends on ALMA eVLBI follow up of ASKAP transients SKA hosted in Australia CASS is a safe and productive workplace Attracting the best postdocs and visitors Vibrant student program
Dates for the Diary Parkes 50 th Symposium (Oct 31 – Nov 4) See Shari and Jimi for info ASKAP Meeting (Nov 9 – 11) See Ilana for info Bolton Symposium (Dec 5 – 7) See Julie and Shea for infoSee Southern Cross Symposium (June 4 – 8, 2012) See Jill for info Bolton Fellowship Applications (due Nov 15) see Naomi for infosee OCE Postdoc and Australis Fellow (due Dec 1) See Jill for infoSee
Contact Us Phone: or Web: Thank you Australia Telescope National Facility Simon Johnston CSIRO Science Leader Head Astrophysics Phone: Web: CSIRO. Simon Johnston - Science Leaders 2010