Sonya Hardy Cumberland County Department of Social Services /Adult Protective Services
Advance human rights and social economic justice Competency 5
Understand the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination As a Crisis Intake Social Worker most of the clients that I encounter live in low income housing, community shelters or high crime rate areas. I have to treat each client with dignity, respect and offer services that would best meet there needs. Ex. Elderly client comes in asking for assistance with paying for their medication. I smell that the client has a body odor. While I am gathering information on their monthly expenses I can ask them how much do they spend on household and personal hygiene items each month or do they have anyone that assist them on a daily basis with bathing, dressing, cooking and cleaning? Depending on the responses to the questions I can possibly locate a home health agency or another program that could assist them. Without directly coming out asking them do they bathe everyday, I can find the information needed indirectly without offending the client.
Advocate for human rights and social and economic justice Working with Crisis intake clients, I have to provide different resources that are available to meet the clients needs. Ex. If a client comes in to request a food voucher, I have to provide them with a list of available food pantries & local churches that maybe able to assist them. Also ask the client if they are currently receiving food stamps or if they would like to apply.
Engage in practices that advance social and economic justice Encourage clients that are physically able to work, but not currently working to seek employment so that they can become self-sufficient (with the clients that I work with, I have to explain to them the meaning of self-sufficient) Provide client with a current job list and the contact information for the Employment Security Commission (unemployment office) Offer my assistance with filling out the application.