31 Jan Overview Resource & Project Management Current Initiatives Produce PR materials: research highlight brochure, general brochure, set of posters RH brochure draft due out 3/6 Photos needed for 3 posters: general OSG, RH-focus, metrics/project focus Identify/track all the science projects using OSG (doesn’t map straight to VOs) Identify communications contacts at participating institutions Gather info on scientific publications resulting from work done on OSG Improve website content, labelling and nav Improve twiki Doc web Accomplishments in past month or so highlights for past year sent to NSF Updates to website (nav, labelling, testimonial) and twiki Doc web Jan 08 Newsletter Worked with twiki web owners to improve content and nav of the webs (security, campus grids, engagement, troubleshooting, monitoring) Issues / Concerns How can communications best support EOT, engagement, and user support activities? How to satisfy different audiences in the website and twiki How to give each of our tasks/projects the “think time” it really needs? OSG web presences still don’t flow well Osg.org – security twiki web – GOC pages Osg.org and Twiki in general Documentation home Need an “I can’t find what I’m looking for” link attached to a simple form Twiki web owners maintaining their info – pages need regular review. Sidebar consistency. Use of multimedia on website
31 Jan WBS Project Management WBS #AgencyWBS task descriptionStartFinish% done Gather quarterly Science benefit reports10/01/0709/30/ Publication/PR plan for yr Contribute at least 1 article per month to iSGTW on science accomplishments in OSG 10/01/0709/30/ yesProvide research highlights to NSF10/01/0702/15/ Monthly newsletter10/01/0709/30/ Produce brochures, demos, posters, slide-shows, etc. as needed for OSG representation at meetings and conferences 10/01/079/30/ Create presentation introducing OSG and its capabilities 10/01/079/30/ Improve user and admin documentation for OSG (0.8.0 done) Not sure Maintain OSG website, twiki librarian functions, document repository 10/01/079/30/ Quarterly sub-area status, progress, issues reporting into twiki 10/01/079/30/0825
31 Jan Additional Perspectives Met with Miron about communications Only important metric: how much effort required to use resources effectively Not pleased w/ website; needs clearer audience identification and flow Website-twiki-GOC flow inadequate Re doc: Do we need “OSG for dummies” and “OSG for experts”?