Flexibility in a tough environment Department of Commerce Seminar Western Australia Alexander Library Theatre, State Library Building Perth Cultural Centre 2 April 2009 Barbara Pocock Centre for Work + Life University of South Australia
1 A tough environment - Australia In the six months to February 2009 net loss of 11,500 jobs But big drop in full-time jobs (-52,100) offset by expansion in part-time jobs (70,500) Most of the losses in full-time jobs were amongst men (88%) Most gains in part-time jobs were amongst women (63%) Unemployment has increased from 4.3 to 4.9 per cent Increase greater amongst men: up by 0.9 percentage points, compared to 0.3 amongst women Under-employment also increasing
2 A tough environment in WA In Western Australia Net loss of 3,300 jobs Big drop in full-time jobs (15,000), offset by expansion in part-time jobs (11,700) 71% of full-time job losses were amongst men Gains in part-time jobs pretty evenly spread between women and men Unemployment has risen in WA from 2.8 to 3.6 percent increase greater amongst women (1 percentage point), 0.8 amongst men
3 The long term trajectory?
4 Flexibility is not a cost to employment or growth
5 Participation rates, WA (source: ABS Cst no , Feb 2009)
6 Men’s and women’s labour participation has changed
7 On any day of the week, more than 40% of Australian workers have caring responsibilities for a dependent
8 Work-life matters
9 We need to know more about work-life issues and what to do about them
10 How do we measure work-life interaction? : 1. How often does work interfere with activities outside work? 2. How often does work interfere with enough time with family or friends? 3. How often does work interfere with community connections 4. How frequently do we feel rushed and press for time? 5. How satisfied are we with our work-life balance?
11 Some overall findings Many people are affected by work Half of all employees felt that work sometimes or almost always interferes with activities beyond work –A fifth ‘often or almost always’ Time with family and friends is especially squeezed, –A quarter work ‘often or almost always’ interferes with enough time for family or friends Over half ‘often or almost always’ feel rushed and pressed for time But most – 68% - are reasonably satisfied with their work-life balance Not a ‘work and family’ issue
12 How do people compare?
13 Rushed and pressed for time?
14 Rich and poor do worse
15 State differences – don’t move to the eastern seaboard
16 Long hours
17 ‘Fit’ between actual and preferred hours is critical
18 The flexibility revolution?
19 Workplace culture is critical
20 Work overload is critical
21 What matters most to work-life outcomes?
22 We can do better – and must, regardless of toughness of environment