Moshtix Case Study High Distinction assignment By Annie Tran
MOSHTIX-How it applies to the real world This website involves booking tickets for a variety of events in different states across Australia. Users can either purchase their moshcard at a Moshtix outlet and register their details on the site or they can purchase tickets online or through phone using a credit card. They can also register as a member without previously ordering any tickets. On the website, events can be searched by date, venue, category (e.g. Live music, festivals) or by keyword.
Moshtix website
ENTITY RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM Member memberID memberName member memberMobile memberGender memberDateofBirth CreditCard creditCardName creditCardNumber creditCardType creditCardCVV creditCardExpiry Event eventID eventName eventVenue* eventDate eventTime eventType eventSaleCloseDate eventSaleCloseTime eventPrice bookingFee eventSoldOutClosed Venue venueName venueAddress venueContact PostageContact postageID memberID* postageAddress postageSuburb postageCountry postageState postagePostcode Booking bookingID memberID* eventID* ticketType quantity entryMethod moshcardNumber
Single-to-many relationship Event eventID eventName eventVenue* eventDate eventTime eventType eventSaleCloseDate eventSaleCloseTime eventPrice bookingFee eventSoldOutClosed Venue venueName venueAddress venueContact One venue can book for many different events
Single-to-many relationships venuenameVenueaddressvenuecontact Amplifier Barrear 383 Murray St Perth WA (08) The Basement29 Reiby Place Sydney NSW (02) eventIDeventNameeventVenueOther 1Celibate Rifles & Cosmic Psychos Amplifier Bar… 2Mick Hart The Basement… Primary key Foreign key
Many-to-many relationship This ERD shows that in a many-to-many relationship, many members can attend many different events that are booked under Moshtix. However, only one person can book into a single event. Also, only one booking is made for one event. Member memberID memberName member memberMobile memberGender memberDateofBirth Event eventID eventName eventVenue* eventDate eventTime eventType eventSaleCloseDate eventSaleCloseTime eventPrice bookingFee eventSoldOutClosed Booking bookingID memberID* eventID* ticketType quantity entryMethod eventPrice bookingFee moshcardNumber
Many-to-many relationship eventIDeventNam e eventVenueOther 1Celibate Rifles & Cosmic Psychos Amplifier Bar… 2Mick Hart The Basement… memberidmemberNa me Etc. 1Annie Tran… 2Rachel Le… bookingIDmemberIDeventiIDEtc. 117… 245… 354…
QUERIES-Simple Query Find all shows that are playing at the Metro Theatre SELECT eventName, eventVenue FROM moshtix_event WHERE eventVenue = 'Metro Theatre’; eventname | eventvenue Dinosaur Jr Over 18s | Metro Theatre Dinosaur Jr All Ages | Metro Theatre Gotye All Ages | Metro Theatre
QUERIES-Natural Join Find the names of all people attending the Dinosaur Jr All Ages concert SELECT memberName FROM moshtix_member NATURAL JOIN moshtix_booking where eventID = ‘10’; membername Annie Tran Rebecca Giang
QUERIES-Cross Product Find the names of all people attending the Dinosaur Jr All Ages concert. SELECT memberName FROM moshtix_member, moshtix_booking WHERE moshtix_member.memberID = moshtix_booking.memberID AND moshtix_booking.eventID = ‘10’; membername Annie Tran Rebecca Giang
QUERIES-Group By GROUP BY clause must include a built in function e.g. COUNT, SUM, AVG If any column is used in the SELECT statement, it must be used in the GROUP BY statement. Find the number events in each venue SELECT eventVenue, count(*) FROM moshtix_event GROUP BY eventVenue ORDER BY eventVenue eventvenue | count Amplifier Bar | 1 Bombay Rock Townsville | 1 Factory Theatre | 1 Hopetoun Hotel | 1 Manly Fishos | 1 Metro Theatre | 3 Rubys Lounge | 1 Spectrum | 1 The Basement | 1 The Gaelic | 2 The Vanguard | 2
QUERIES-Group By with HAVING Find dates with more than one event held on the same day SELECT eventDate, eventName, count(*) FROM moshtix_event GROUP BY eventDate HAVING count(*) >1 ORDER BY eventDate eventdate | count | | | | 2
QUERIES-Sub Query Find the earliest event/s booked through Moshtix SELECT eventName, eventDate FROM moshtix_venue WHERE eventDate <=ALL (SELECT eventDate FROM moshtix_event); eventname | eventdate Celibate Rifles & Cosmic Psychos | The Red Paintings |
QUERIES-Self Joins Find all users that are booking for events at the Spectrum and the Vanguard SELECT bkg1.bookingid, eve1.eventvenue,eve1.eventname, bkg1.memberid, bkg2.bookingid, eve2.eventvenue, eve2.eventname, bkg2.memberid FROM moshtix_booking bkg1, moshtix_booking bkg2, moshtix_event eve1, moshtix_event eve2 WHERE eve1.eventvenue = 'Spectrum' and eve2.eventvenue = 'The Vanguard' and bkg1.eventid = eve1.eventid and bkg2.eventid = eve2.eventid; order by bkg1.bookingid;
QUERIES-Self Joins bookin gid eventvenueeventnam e mem berid bookin gid eventvenueeventnam e memb erid 9SpectrumSpectrum 3rd Birthday 510The VanguardJamie Hutchings 6 9SpectrumSpectrum 3rd Birthday 515The VanguardIce Cream Hands 3 13SpectrumSpectrum 3rd Birthday 410The VanguardJamie Hutching 6 13SpectrumSpectrum 3rd Birthday 415The VanguardIce Cream Hands 3
Check Statements These statements place a great emphasis on data integrity. They are constraints which are used to validate data entered into the attribute. It verifies any existing condition. If the data does not abide by the specified constraint, an error statement is generated. CONSTRAINT di_table_moshtix_member_memberGender CHECK (memberGender IN ('M','F')), CONSTRAINT di_table_moshtix_member_memberDateofbirth CHECK (memberDateofbirth >= ‘01-Jan-1907’) Any data below this constraint is not considered as valid data Shows which data statements can only be used in the attribute. In this statement, the user can only enter ‘F’ or ‘M’ as valid data
Action statements CREATE TABLE moshtix_booking ( bookingID INTEGER NOT NULL, memberID INTEGER NOT NULL, eventID INTEGER NOT NULL *Insert other attributes* CONSTRAINT moshtix_booking_pk PRIMARY KEY (bookingID), CONSTRAINT moshtix_booking_fk_mid FOREIGN KEY (memberID) REFERENCES moshtix_member ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT moshtix_booking_fk_eid FOREIGN KEY (eventID) REFERENCES moshtix_event ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, This will restrict the user from deleting the information from the member table without deleting anything from the booking table This will allow the user to delete/update any entry made to the booking and the event table.
CREATE A VIEW Create a view to find what events stop selling their tickets on ‘07/07/2007’ CREATE VIEW EVENT (name, dateclose, timeclose) AS SELECT eventName, eventSaleCloseDate, eventSaleCloseTime FROM moshtix_event WHERE eventSaleCloseDate = ‘07-Jul- 2007’; CREATE VIEW
Use of a view Find what events stop selling their tickets on ‘07/07/2007’ name | dateclose | timeclose Dallas Crane | 07-Jul-2007 | 06:00PM Dinosaur Jr Over 18s | 07-Jul-2007 | 05:00PM