Pleasant Poter – Muscogee Creek tribe and others offered 2.25 million to give up claims of the unassigned lands. This was finalized in March 2, 1889 Congress passed an amendment written by Representive William Springer of Indiana. This amendment was a rider to the Indian Appropriation Act which forced President Grover Cleveland to sign the Act.
What is a rider on an amendment? Why was he forced to sign this act into law because of the Indian Appropriation act? You have three min to answer and discuss with a partner.
Issued the proclamation on March 23,1889 for settling the unassigned lands. Homestead Act allowed for anyone elgible to claim lands in the Unassigned Lands.
The act was to happen at noon on April 22, Illegal squatters were to be removed. Several sooners did get by the troops that were to enforce squatters from getting there early.
They could claim a quarter section of land. They were marked with cornerstones. Partner questions How many acres a person could claim if a section of land is 640? How many years did they have to live on land before the could get the title for the land? If people disputed over the land analyze how these disputes were resolved?
People from all over the land came to claim land It is believed between 50,000 – 100,000 people were involved They started from the south side of the lands at Purcell, north side in Kansas and in the Cherokee Outlet, and west close to Fort Reno and King Fisher Stage Station. It was a race to get to the land. This is were the term Boomer and Sooner came from. Video - edFchttp:// edFc
April 23, 1889 Population went from 0 -12,000 Originally named Oklahoma Station. Many of the land plots were claimed illegally by Deputy Marshals that were there to enforce the law.
April 23, 1889 Population went from 0 -10,000 – 3 months later was 15,000 Mayor election was help buy voters votes being tallied Bank of Guthrie – Establish with only pennies and stove for a vault.
Fact Importance ReasonImpact Springer Amendment April 22, noon