W ELCOME TO HEALTH Ms. Chapman Find your seat and take out your schedule
O BJECTIVE You will understand how to be successful in health You will identify similarities/differences with your classmates You will learn a few things about your teacher
R ANDOM F ACTS A BOUT M S. C HAPMAN Grew up in Kirkland, WA. Graduated from Lake Washington HS I love talking about and watching sports, especially football. GO HUSKIES! GO SEAHAWKS! Went to UW for 2 Years before transferring to WSU This is my 4 th year at Lynnwood. Just got engaged this summer and can’t wait to be married next summer! I love animals and have 2 dogs and 2 cats. Well, it’s complicated… W HO AM I? I am borderline obsessed with Jake Locker. It may be unhealthy
C LASS E XPECTATIONS Class rules No cell phones/electronics/headphones RESPECT EACH OTHER!!!!! Never ever use put-downs, derogatory terms, or swear toward your fellow classmates. Be kind ALWAYS. There is no harm that comes from being nice to people, no matter how they treat you. Your final evaluation is a compilation of your work throughout the semester in what we call the HEALTH MAGAZINE. You need to bring a spiral notebook to keep in this classroom. If this is a hardship for you, please see Ms. Chapman Mind your syllabus
B INGO Have classmates sign in a box that is true of them. Fill 5 boxes in a line (vertical, horizontal, diagonal) with no repeats
I NDEX CARD On the back please write your name as it appears on skyward & make any changes (what you go by) What areas of health interest you the most? Body Systems, Nutrition, Disease, Mental Disorders, Addictions, Social Health etc (be specific) Is there a particular area of health that you have already learned a lot about? How can I help you be successful in this class? What are you most excited about? What are you most nervous about?
I NDEX C ARD A CTIVITY ON THE BACK SIDE OF THE INDEX CARD DO THE FOLLOWING: Number 1-5 For each number describe something about yourself (hobbies, trips, family, etc) Start with more general information (#1) and progress to more specific information (#5).
EVERYONE STAND! Stay standing if:
E ND DAY ONE Come see me with questions/concerns
O BJECTIVE : S TUDENT WILL CREATE A PAGE FOR THEIR MAGAZINE THAT DESCRIBES SOME HEALTH RELATED PERSONAL FACTS ABOUT THEMSELVES Warm up: turn in signed syllabus and journals (names visible on the outside) for extra credit Activity: About the publisher assignment
A BOUT THE P UBLISHER ( MAGAZINE ASSIGNMENT ) Typed one page (8 ½ by 11) autobiography Title (About the Publisher) Name Self-Portrait/Picture Two goals (short term/long term) 3 favorite foods (2 healthy 1 unhealthy) Stressors and coping methods Exercise, how regularly In your opinion: biggest negative issue impacting our society (health related) What interests you the most?
O BJECTIVE : S TUDENTS WILL IDENTIFY THE 4 AREAS OF HEALTH ARE THAT WE WILL COVER THIS SEMESTER AND EVALUATE THEIR OWN HEALTH PRACTICES Get your journals Warm up: with your table partner, discuss what you think of when someone talks about health. What things come to mind? Be prepared to share your answers Activity: In your journals we will list and describe the 4 areas of health and discuss what the leading cause of death among age groups are.
I N YOUR JOURNAL Make sure you start a table of contents with a date and title: WHAT IS HEALTH Take notes by writing the underlined words
L ET ’ S DEFINE H EALTH … General state of well-being and soundness of body and mind. We will look at health in each of these 4 categories: Physical Social Intellectual Emotional
P HYSICAL H EALTH : WEIGHT, BODY SHAPE, SHARPNESS OF YOUR SENSES, BODY FUNCTIONS, & ABSENCE OF DISEASE How can you tell if someone is physically healthy? How physically healthy are you?
S OCIAL H EALTH : Interacting with people to build satisfying relationships Influenced by those your surround yourself with How can you tell if someone is socially healthy? How socially healthy are you?
I NTELLECTUAL H EALTH : Exploring new topics, learning new skills, developing the ability to solve problems, and thinking critically How can you tell if someone is intellectually healthy? How intellectually healthy are you?
E MOTIONAL H EALTH : DEVELOPING HIGH SELF - ESTEEM, STRONG SELF IMAGE, & POSITIVE ATTITUDE How can you tell if someone is emotionally healthy? How emotionally healthy are you?
Take your best guess… What are the top five causes of death in the United States? H EALTH AND ITS OPPOSITE
5 LEADING CAUSES OF DEATH / US Unintentional Injury Homicide Suicide Malignant neoplasms (cancer) Heart Disease ml