P2 status, LS1 planning A.Tauro - W.Riegler
Outline TS2 activities Detector activities during LS1 Proposal for ALICE recommissionig plan in 2014 Conclusions 21/6/12P2 status, LS1 planning - A.Tauro2
TS2 (25 th to 29 th June) – detector activities DetectorIntervention SDDCheck pressure sensor (PP4) SSDReplace LVPS (A and I side racks). Install thermostatic valve (cooling plant) TPCRR cooling: replacement & rotation of the pump TPC laserInvestigate problem with RS232 communication with Laser 2 TRDInstallation hardware for the ethernet multiplexer. LV connection check. Check TRD pretrigger TTCex board. Fix gas leak in SM6 TOFReplacement DC/DC converters in several sectors SPDElectronics check. SR3 and 8 will not be drilled MTGMaintenance electronics & RPC gas check. Decrease C 2 H 2 F 4 consumption MTKReplace Wiener LVPSs PHOAdd freon to the cooling plant (RP check) EMCCommissioning of the 1/3 size EMCal supermodules (RO) T0Investigate width problem, inspection laser system, repair one amplifier ACOCheck electronics BCM-BPTXChecks 21/6/12P2 status, LS1 planning - A.Tauro3 TC meeting tomorrow:
LS1 LS1: Nov.24 th 2012 to Sept.1 st 2014 92 weeks. There are no official plans to delay the LS1 start date. There is an option to start LS1 one week earlier, i.e. on Nov.17 th, because in this way the LHe can be fully recovered before Xmas. The final decision will be taken in August. Beyond that time it will be more and more difficult and costly to move the LS1 start date (F.Bordry). LHC commissioning with beam: Sept. 1 st 2014 to Nov (no access to UX25). It is not planned to have a stop of LHC beam operation at Christmas 2014 (1 week of standby for LHC & Injectors). 6/15/12ALICE LS1 plans - A.Tauro4
What is LS1? Not a project, but a time-frame (Nov-2012 to Sept-2014) Numerous projects and activities: SMACC (Superconducting Magnets And Circuits Consolidation) R2E Massive shutdown maintenance after more than 3 years of operation Several major consolidations A lot of projects (Linac 4, HIE-Isolde, Elena, LIU, HL-LHC, 107, ….) Compared to previous shutdowns, an exceptional number of … Simultaneous activities (co-activities) – Planning and safety Non-CERN workers (FSU, collaborations, contracts,…)- Logistics: Registration, training, transport, parking, access, film badge, EPI, catering, accommodation,…) Expt. Areas (Isolde, nTof, AD, East & North areas,…) 5 F.Bordry – LS1 day
S 12 S 23 P2P2 S 34 P3P3 S 45 P4P4 S 56 P5P5 S 67 P6P6 S 78 P7P7 S 81 P8P8 Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. EN Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan P1P TeV Complete LHC schedule 6 Cool-down W-Up Splices Cool-down W-Up CSCM W-Up Beam Commissioning M M M M K.Foraz LS1 day
ALICE plans for LS1 Baseline sequence (MNF will not be removed): –Add 5 TRD modules –Add 6 DCal supermodules and 2 1/3 supermodules –Add 1 PHOS module Many things on top of this sequence: –LV consolidation (TRD/TPC cables BKF) –SAA3 extension –CO 2 and N 2 fire extinguisher systems consolidation –New outlets for redundancy of Ethernet cables –… Services interruptions (detailed plan still under discussion): –EN-EL: 66vK and 18kV consolidation several equipment off for 8w –CV maintenance and upgrade 2-4 months no cooling 2013 –L3: ventilation and cooling upgrades –UPS upgrade no UPS power (DAQ, DCS, cooling plant…) 6/15/12ALICE LS1 plans - A.Tauro7
ALICE now vs. LS1 21/6/12P2 status, LS1 planning - A.Tauro8
6/15/12ALICE LS1 plans - A.Tauro9 Two TRD modules ready in Aug. PHOS ready end- 2013
Central systems availability in DAQ. Several interventions foreseen: –Infrastructure (new racks, fibers, new UPS electrical distribution) –Network (replace central router) –Computers (new LDCs) DAQ down for most of 2013! Logbook will not be shut-down HLT. Computer farm replacement in early Old farm will be working at all times (except during power interruptions) DCS. Plan not yet discussed with TC. Possibility to keep a minimum of services operational at all times (e.g. monitoring,…) 21/6/12P2 status, LS1 planning - A.Tauro10
ALICE recommissionig plan in 2014 (proposal) March-April: standalone recommissioning May-June: global recommissioning July-August: 24h operation 1 st September: LHC beam commissioning Requests for running the central systems outside these periods should be discussed individually 21/6/12P2 status, LS1 planning - A.Tauro11
LS1 activities TC reviews: ITS, TRD, TPC, Muons Reviews next week: T0, PMD, ZDC, FMD, HMP, PHO and TOF 21/6/12P2 status, LS1 planning - A.Tauro12
ITS SPD: –Minor interventions (FEE) –Replace pump in cooling plant, reuse old inlet pipes, recalibrate T-P sensors,… SDD: –Replace ISEC HV boards (drift problem) –Install SuperCarlosRX cards need DAQ for testing –Replace plastic pipes on cooling plant manifold (tbc) SSD: –CAEN LVPS modification (decrease CM) ~120 PS in total –Cooling plant: remove heaters (tbc), drain water (N2 permanent flush?) 21/6/12P2 status, LS1 planning - A.Tauro13
TRD SM production: –All electronics will be produced by end 2012 –Two SM ready by August 2013 (installed on top sectors) –Three (bottom) SMs ready before end of LS1 (but not in 2013) Other activities: –20 HV problematic chambers possibility to take out one SM for repair –Replace LV patch panels for all sectors –New tank water cooling plant Gas: cryogenic recovery/cleaning at start of LS1 store Xe –Operate the detector for most of LS1 with Ar-CO2 (70-30) –Refill with Xe at some point in 2014 –Find better CO2 analyzer, new gas chromatograph (TRD-TPC) 21/6/12P2 status, LS1 planning - A.Tauro14
TPC FEE consolidation: –Replace FECs –Install and commission redundant ethernet system HV consolidation: –Maintenance Read Out Chambers –Possibly inspection of containment volumes in field cage Interventions on RR and FEE cooling plants Gas. New CO 2 analyser and gas chromatograph, drift velocity monitor consolidation One upgrade option foresees an improvement of the readout capability with the current ROCs and FEE (under discussion): –Replace all RCUs with new ones (possibly) in CR1 –Additional cabling and fibers between TPC and CR1 21/6/12P2 status, LS1 planning - A.Tauro15
Muons Muon TRK: –Occupancy problem: repair slats (busbar connections): 90 slats to be repaired will take ~10 months in 2013 (DAQ, DCS and gas needed) –Replace one quadrant ST2 Muon TRG: –Ordinary FEE and gas tightness maintenance –Replacement of a few RPCs, if needed –Full campaign of survey and photogrammetry –Gas modification to re-circulate freon (tbd) 21/6/12P2 status, LS1 planning - A.Tauro16
André Augustinus Perturbations at P2 Relatively stable operation for ALICE No (primary) cooling perturbations, no Level3 alarms Several electrical perturbations [since last TB: 20/05 (2x), 26/05, 03/06, 06/06, 07/06, 08/06, 10/06, 11/06, 12/06, 13/06] Propagated from perturbations on French 400kV power grid (thunderstorms) Typically up to 10% drop on one or two phases for 2-4 cycles Typically triggers beam dump, but LHC recovers relatively quick 20/05 and 13/06 caused ALICE dipole trip, no other effects Solenoid magnet: 1 rampdown for access, 1 trip (16/06) due to failing Pt100 transducer (during stable beams, LHC did not loose/dump beam) Dipole magnet: 1 rampdown for access, 2 trips (electrical perturbations) ALICE Technical Board21 June 2012
SXL2 doors, crane… The replacement of the SXl2 big doors will start on July 16 th, and will take approximately 2 weeks –Nobody inside cleanroom (TRD people informed) –Cleanroom A/C probably off during work –Evacuation of material outside cleanroom New SXL2 crane foreseen for September 2012 (weeks 36-37) 2 nd floor 3294 will be built in October 2012 –12 new offices (12m 2 each) and 2 conference rooms (24m 2 each) 21/6/12P2 status, LS1 planning - A.Tauro18 SXL2 door
ALICE official schematics/photos Available on CDS (thanks to Julie): (Schematics) (Saba’s photos) (Saba’s photos) 21/6/12P2 status, LS1 planning - A.Tauro19
Conclusions Several activities in TS2 – planning meeting tomorrow morning 9:00 at P2 LS1: Nov 2012 to September ALICE plan to complete the TRD and install DCal – several other activities on top The ITS, TRD, TPC and Muon activities during LS1 have been presented. The plans for the other detectors will be presented in the next TB Services interruption during LS1: LHC plan still under discussion, we will be able to give more details in the coming weeks (restart weekly planning meetings) As a general consideration: –2013 detector & central systems upgrade – several service disruptions –2014 restart standalone and global commissioning 21/6/12P2 status, LS1 planning - A.Tauro20