Modified Allowable Growth Report for Board Report 11/22/10
Definition: “ An at-risk student means any identified student who needs additional support and who is not meeting or not expected to meet the established goals of the educational program (academic, personal/social, career/vocational).”
Criteria for identifying students at risk Academic Domain Student Achievement Attendance Personal/Social domain Career/Vocational domain
Criteria for identifying students at risk Very complex process Referrals can be from students (HS), families, teachers Communication critical with families, staff, and outside resources if needed State requirements increasing
Elementary level Absent or tardy for 7 days Meeting ≤50% content area standards quarterly 6 th grade – 2 or more F’s quarterly Receives 3 or more checkmarks for Social/emotion development or Work Habits
At the elementary level… A K – 3 student must meet a minimum of three criteria to be identified as “at risk” A 4-6 student must meet 2 criteria
Junior High – Attendance & Academics Absent or tardy for 10 days On D/F list for minimum of 3 classes Previous attendance at alternative school and/or program 504 Plan
High School – Attendance & Academics Absent or tardy for 15 days/year Fail in a minimum of 1 core course OR 2 classes overall 504 Plan Shows a credit deficiency Freshman ≤ 12 credits Sophomore ≤ 24 credits Juniors ≤ 38 credits Or overaged, undercredited senior (Senior = 54 credits) Attend Edison Academy
Academics for all levels: A 3-12 student is two years below grade level in Reading Comprehension and/or Math on ITBS/ITED A K-2 student is reading below grade level as measured by BRI or Observation Survey
Consider for ALL students: Unstable home situation Behavior referrals (minimum 5) Mental health/medical diagnosis Personal/social issues (Including pregnancy for older students) (May include Low SES)
Application Dollars Modified Allowable Growth application is due December 15, – 2011 budget = $1,200,676 MAG = $875,832 District share = $324, budget MAG = $872,008 Minimum 25% regular district program cost Budget specifics will be 12/13/10 meeting for board approval
At Risk Report 11/22/10