By: Molly Pennington & Casey Dee
Purpose of our research Research question : What are the experiences of those who aid in the process of a young adult with disabilities out of high school? o Why this topic? o Why this age group?
Definitions o Occupational Therapist (OT) o Individualized Education Programs (IEP) o Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) o Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) o 504 plan o Transition Programs o Special Needs/ Disabilities
How We Went About Our Research o Number of interviews: 11 o Who we interviewed o Demographics of interviewees o Participant observations
Our Challenges… o Technology sucks (our phones as recording devices and user error) o Who to interview? o Broad vs. Narrow o Interviewing Limitations
Themes o Independence/Freedom o Networking and Resources o Community and Family o Personal Power o Exclusion o Crossing the line o Accommodations o Acceptance o Stereotypes o Competence o Disclosing o Support o Emotional o Social
Findings o Goals