Museum Entrance Korean War Press for Curator
Room 2 Vietnam Museum Entrance
Room 3 Museum Entrance U.S Gets involved In Asian Affairs
Room 4 Museum Entrance Postwar Southeast Asia
Artifact 1: 38 th Parallel After WWII The 38 th parallel was what separated North Korea and south Korea. The North was supplied by The Soviets While The South Was helped by America. On the 25 th of June 1950 North Korea Crossed the 38 th parallel With a Surprise attack Trying to takeover all of Korea. Soon after that the U.S Got involved And went to go help the South Koreans. They Pushed the north Koreans back into there territory and Signed a cease fire on July 1953 and set the boarder between North and South Korea at the 38 th parallel. Return to Room destiny
Artifact 2: Douglas MacArthur Douglas MacArthur was the commander of the un forces that fought in the Korean war. The UN force had a total of 15 differnt nations lead under him but mainly they where American Troops and Britain's troops. MacArthur fought the Koreans back to the 38 th parallel. Return to Room Image acquired at: military-leaders/photo4
Artifact 3: UN in Korea The united Nations was lead by MacArthur in the Korean war to push back the North Koreans and help the South Koreans Get there land back. They ended up pushing the North Koreans almost to the China Boarder where the Chinese reinforced the North Koreans which out numbered the Un and got pushed back to the 38 th parallel where they signed a cease fire. Return to Room Image acquired at /United-Nations-forces-fight-to-recapture- Seoul-South-Korea-from:
Artifact 4: AfterMath of The Korean War The Korean War ended with a cease fire and The Boarder became a DMZ. The North Was Lead by Kim Sung II Which was a dictator that built collective farm, Heavy industry, and Built up the military. After Kim Sung’s Death Kin Jong II took power in the Communist North and they began to have economy problems. While the South Koreans prospered, thanks partly to massive aid from the United States and other countries. Return to Room aftermath-of-the-korean-war/
Artifact 5: Ho Chi Minh Ho Chi Minh was The Communist leader North Vietnam. He was the leader during the Vietnam war which was from The South was defended by the Americans and the French. After that North Vietnam and South Vietnam separated at the 17 degrees north latitude. In the south America and France set up an anti communist government lead by Ngo Dinh Diem. Return to Room chi-minh-in-laos-released/#.U1Ra6Ci9yHo
Artifact 6: Ngo Dihn Diem Ngo Dihn Diem was the leader of South Vietnam after the separation of North and South Vietnam. He Ruled he south as a dictator A lot of the south Vietnamese didn't’t like him and the Vietcong began to gain strength in South Vietnam and controlled large areas of the country side. In 1963,a group of south Vietnamese generals had diem assassinated. Return to Room go-Dinh-Diem-1954
Artifact 7: South Vietnam in the war South Vietnam was mainly defended by The Americans and France. At the start of the war Vietnam Communist Where attacking the French with hit-and-run tactics Which eventually lead to Frances Surrender. The U.S. Seen that The Domino Theory Was going to take Place so we went to go back up the French. After the defeat they held a conference in Geneva That Discussed The Future of Indochina and how the new Vietnam board would be 17 degrees North Latitude. Return to Room Image acquired at: war/australian-army-advisors.php
Artifact 8: Vietcong These where communist guerillas That Where Soldiers Trained in North Vietnam. The Vietcong began to gain power in south Vietnam country sides Who eventually assassinated Diem. Return to Room Image acquired at:
Artifact 9: U.S In Vietnam The U.S. Entered the fight in August They entered the war because Patrol boats had attacked two U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin. By ,000 U.S. Soldiers were sent to combat. The U.S. had the best-equipped army, but they weren't use to the terrain and the guerrilla tactics the north Vietnamese used. In the late 1960’s U.S. withdraws from the war. Return to Room Image acquired at: publikovavshiesya-fotografii-vetnamskoj-vojny/
Artifact 10: Vietnamization Vietnamization was Nixon's plan for the U.S. troops to gradually pull out of South Vietnam. In 1973 two years later, the North Vietnamese overran South Vietnam. The war ended with 1.5million Vietnamese and 58,000 Americans lost their lives. Return to Room /Vietnamization/
Artifact 11: U.S. In South Korea The U.S. in south Korea didn't’t just help the war, But after the war they helped there government and economy grow and helped the South Koreas become more industrialized nation. Today They are a lot more well of than the north Koreans and are more prosperous Return to Room joint-exercise-foal-eagle-largest-of-year
Artifact 12: U.S. Home Soil During the Vietnam war A lot of the Americans back in America wanted the U.S. To pull out of the war. Many people didn't’t want the lose of Americans for conflicts that where going on on the other side of the war. This was one of the major reasons why America Withdrew from the war. Return to Room usa/2012/05/10/u-s-involvement-in-the-vietnam-war/
Artifact 13: Khmer Rouge Khmer Rouge set up a brutal Communist government in Cambodia lead by Pol Pot. They tried to transform Cambodia into a communist society by killing 2million people which was almost a quarter of Cambodia's population. Return to Room Image acquired at: conflicts/cambodian-genocide
Artifact 14: Pol Pot Pol Pot’s was the leader of the Khmer Rouge he wanted to setup a communist government in Cambodia and he killed 2million Cambodians but soon the Vietnamese invaded in After that Khmer Rouge got token down and a more democratic system took place. Return to Room Image acquired at: of-monarchy-pol-pot.html
Artifact 15: Vietnam invadeds Cambodia The Vietnamese invaded Cambodia in They overthrew the Khmer Rouge and installed a less repressive government. Vietnamese withdrew in in 1993 under the supervision of UN Peacekeepers, Cambodia adopted a democratic constitution. After that they started to hold elections. Return to Room Image acquired at html
Artifact 16:Vietnam Post war After 1975 North Vietnamese imposed tight control over the South. They sent thousands of people to "reeducation camps” for training in communist thought. They also nationalized industries and strictly controlled businesses. Communist oppression caused 1.5 million people to flee Vietnam. Many Vietnamese left on bots to flee they fled by the thousands and thousands died on the boats Return to Room Image acquired athttps://
Terry Hulett Terry Hulett I am a 16 year old student that goes to the Clear Springs High school. I am currently taking world history in Mr. Collins class - Return to Room