自我介紹 黃郁哲 (Jeff) (阿哲) 高雄人 求學經歷 逢甲大學運管系畢業 交通大學運管系碩一 交通大學逕博生 興趣 吃遍美食、看歷史劇 許巧鶯老師研究室(許lab) 未來研究方向 海運業產業結構動態變化 各產業結構貨運量預測
CHAPTER SIX 任課老師:任維廉 教授 Global Organization Design 報告人:黃郁哲
Outline 1. Entering the Global Arena 2. Designing Structure to Fit Global Strategy 3. Building Global Capabilities 4. Cultural Differences in Coordination and Control 5. Transnational Model of Organization
1. Entering The Global Arena-1 More companies are doing business globally Companies need top leaders who have a global outlook Advancements in technology and world communications has changed the competitive landscape
1. Entering The Global Arena-2 Motivations for Global Expansion Economic Technological Competitive forces have combined to push companies from a domestic to a global focus Motivation to Expand Economies of Scale Economies of Scope Low-Cost Production Factors
1. Entering The Global Arena-3 Taiwan ?? The Global Economy as Reflected in the Fortune Global 500
1. Entering The Global Arena-4 Stages of International Evolution Domestic International Multinational Global Licensing --- allowing another firm to market your brands Joint Ventures --- separate entity of two or more firms Consortia--- groups of independent companies
1. Entering The Global Arena-5 Items\stages Domestic International Multinational Global Strategic Orientation Domestically oriented Export-oriented, multi-domestic Stage of Development Initial foreign involvement Competitive Explosion positioning Structure structure plus export department Domestic structure plus international division Worldwide geographic, product Matrix, transnational Market Potential Moderate, mostly domestic Large, Multi-domestic Very large, multinational Whole world
2. Designing Structure to Fit Global Strategy-1 Model for Global vs. Local Opportunities Globalization strategy ---products are standardized throughout the world Multi-domestic --- competition is handled in each country independently
2. Designing Structure to Fit Global Strategy-2 International Advantages
3. Building Global Capabilities-1 The Global Organizational Challenge Wal-Mart entered South Korea in 1996, but ten years later sold all its South Korean stores and withdrew from the country. Achieve the domestic resources Product differentiation Knowledge Transfer
3. Building Global Capabilities-2 Global Coordination Mechanisms Global Teams work groups --made up of multinational members whose activities span multiple countries. cultural and language differences can create misunderstandings, and resentments and mistrust can quickly sidetrack the team’s efforts. Headquarters Planning it takes an active role in planning, scheduling, and control to keep the global organization working together.
3. Building Global Capabilities-3 Expanded Coordination Roles they can help to integrate all the pieces. Country managers can coordinate across functions. Benefits of Collaboration The network coordinator coordinates information and activities related to key customer accounts, country managers, functional managers. cost savings better decision making greater revenues increased innovation. obtain
4. Cultural Differences in Coordination and Control National Value System Power Distance: people accept inequality Uncertainty Avoidance: members feel uncomfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity National Approaches to Coordination an Control Centralized Coordination--- Japanese Companies Decentralized Approach--- European Firms Coordination and Control Through Formalization---The United States
5. Transnational Model of Organization-1 exists for large multinational firms with subsidiaries in many countries that try to take advantage of both global and local advantages. a managerial state of mind, a set of values, a shared desire to make a worldwide learning system work, and an idealized structure for effectively managing such a system.
5. Transnational Model of Organization-2 Characteristics of a transnational organization Assets and resources are dispersed worldwide Structures are flexible and ever-changing Subsidiary managers initiate strategy and innovations that become strategy for the whole organization Corporate culture, shared vision and management style guide the organization.
6. Design Elements Managers must design organizations for complex international coordination Organizations international strategy and structure evolve There a diverse options for specific international strategies There are a variety of challenges for global organizations Diverse national and cultural values influence an organization’s approach Companies operating globally require broad coordination
心得 在全球化的浪潮下,各企業找尋對自身利益最大化的同時 ,亦讓企業間貿易移轉的態勢與全球產業分工的現象更加 明朗 化。 隨著全球產業分工與區域經濟整合,未來產品在中國大陸 及新興國家(如香港、越南、泰國)生產製造後再外銷的趨 勢逐漸提昇,因應此一全球化的佈局,各組織與企業如何 應付與處理 將對組織的衝擊降至最小,乃為日後亟須思考 的課題之一。
討論 Global Matrix structure 的缺點? 是不是所有組織架構均適用Global Matrix structure ? Transnational Model 是否有缺點?
Thanks for your attention!