EDUCATION MINISTRY OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST IN THAILAND Asian Academy for Leadership and Peace, India Christian Educators Leadership Training Role of Shepherd Leadership CHURCH OF CHRIST THILAND, BANGKOK, THAILAND OCTOBER 9-10, 2015 Prof. Dr. John Zechariah Chairman AALP
The Lord as the Shepherded of His People “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” (Psalms 23:1) Shepherd leadership is the leadership of a shepherd.
What is Christian leadership? What should a Christian leader be like? There is no fine example for Christian leadership than our Lord Jesus Christ. Leaders with a heart for people are called shepherd leaders. (love, compassionate) Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He declared,
“I am the good shepherd”. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. “The hired hand is not the shepherded who owns the sheep” (John 10:11).
Let me highlight the role of Christian leader to that of a shepherd. The Role of a Shepherd The shepherd is one who has several roles in regard to his sheep: He (shepherd) leads, feeds, nurtures, comforts, corrects and protects. The Christian leader is one who follows Christ and inspires others to follow Him as well. The Christian leader is also comforts the sheep, binding up their wounds and applying the balm of compassion and love
The Christian leader is also feeder and nourishes the sheep, and the ultimate “sheep food” is the word of God Just as the shepherd uses his crook to pull a wandering sheep back into the fold so the Christian leader corrects and disciplines those in his care when they go astray The final role of a Christian leader is that of a protector.
Functions of Shepherd Leader: I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. John 10:11 1.Provides necessities 2.Confidently leads 3. Guides and directs 4. Feeds and anoints 5. Loves unconditionally
6. Gives rest 7. Renews and restores 8. Protects from harm 9. Corrects and comforts 10. Furnishes permanent shelter
Description of the work of the shepherd: We belong to the Lord, the Good shepherd (Psalm 23:1-6) 1. To be gentle and tender To guide and lead 2. To watch 3. To feed 4. To restore and heal
Peter Nsowah says not only Jesus who is described as shepherd, but Jehovah himself describes him as a shepherd. All through in the Old Testament, Jehovah describes Himself as the shepherd who works hard to take care of His sheep. What better example could we learn from the example of Jehovah Himself? We can look at some of the key activities that Almighty God Himself undertakes as He demonstrates the true functions of a shepherd (Read Ezekiel 34)
We can look at some of the key activities that Almighty God Himself undertakes as He demonstrates the true functions of a shepherd (Read Ezekiel 34) God wants Christian leaders to be 1.humble, 2.loving. 3.Church leadership is ministry, not management.
The shepherd leader unpacks the four primary ministries of shepherds: -knowing, - feeding, - leading and - protecting on macro (church wide) and micro (personal) levels, providing seven elements to incorporate into an effective shepherding plan (Sinclair Ferguson).
Role of a Shepherd Shepherds were expected to be: -faithful and -diligent so much so that their occupation was often used as a metaphor for spiritual defection and leadership, either positively or negatively. Sheep come to know their shepherds voice so well that they would follow only him. -Shepherds provide water and food for their flocks and find when an animal was lost, -They were expected to go out and find it. -Shepherded also protected their flocks, risking their lives if necessary.
In the Old Testament, God is often called a Shepherded. He protects and seeks out His flock, Israel. Likewise in the New Testament, Jesus refers to Himself as the Good Shepherd who cares for, protects and redeems His people. He even suffers for the sheep and separates them from the goats as the day of judgement. As the Great Shepherd of the sheep, Jesus calls spiritual leaders to be under shepherds.
Those who God designates as leaders are called not to be governing monarchs, but humble slaves, not slick celebrities but labouring servants. Those who would lead God’s people must above all exemplify sacrifice devotion
Jesus Himself gave in the pattern when He stooped to wash His disciples’ feet, a task that customarily done by the lowest of slaves. If the Lord of the universe would do that, no church leader has a no right to think of himself as a bigwig.