2013 GLCC 17 th ANNIVERSARY SERIES I. INTROI. INTRO GLCC Anniversary Themes 1996 A New Era, A New Beginning 1997 Finishing The Race Acts 20: ? 1999 ? 2000 Examining The Faith 2001 The Importance of Doctrine in the Believer's Life/ Understanding the Church?
2002 Building Truth-Founded Lives In A Truth Founded Church 2003 Understanding Biblical Eldership 2004 A Call To Persevere 2005 Loving The Glory Of God 2006 Equipping The Church For The Priesthood Of Believers 2007 Loving God In Loving The Church 2008 Living In The Light Of God’s Greatness 2009 Reaching Out With Christ’s Compassion
2010 Renewing Our Passion For God 2011 Recovering The Passion For The Gospel In The Believer’s Daily Life 2012 Becoming a Disciple-Making Church 2013 Striving To Be A Biblically Healthy Church 1Tim 3:15
II. WHAT EVERY CHURCH SHOULD ASPIRE TO BE: HEALTHY Christians should aspire to have healthy churches. ~ “healthy”: communicates the idea of a body that’s living and growing as it should. ~ A healthy church is not a church that’s perfect and without sin.
A healthy church is a congregation that increasingly reflects God’s character as His character has been revealed in His Word. What are the signs of a healthy church? These signs/characteristics are what, I believe, form a church that pleases our Lord. ~ The church cannot be based on just one good aspect and ignore the rest.
III. THE BIBLICAL SIGNS 1. THE CLEAR UNCOMPROMISING EXPOSITIONAL PREACHING OF GOD’S WORD Imaging God’s character as it’s been revealed in His Word means, beginning with God’s Word. Why? ~ GOD’S WORD IS THE SOURCE OF ALL LIFE AND HEALTH. ~ Jn 5:24
~ Phil 2:16 ~ GOD’S WORD IS TRUTH. ~ Jn 17:17 ~ No wonder the apostles prioritized the ministry of the Word over any other service to the church. ~ Acts 6:2, 4 ~ Acts 18:5 ~ GOD’S WORD PRODUCES SAVING AND SANCTIFYING FAITH. ~ Rom 10:17
~ 2Tim 3:16-17 ~ It’s what feeds, develops, and preserves a church’s understanding of the gospel itself. ~ GOD’S WORD ALSO REVEALS NOT ONLY HIS WILL BUT ALSO HIS CHARACTER. ~ Col 1:25 ~ Col 3:16 ~ 2Tim 3:17
~ In other words, there are no good works for which Scripture would not equip Timothy – or us. ~ Fundamentally, this means that both pastors and congregations must be committed to expositional preaching. ~ 2Tim 4:2