Kepler Deana Pennington LTER Network Office
Download Kepler Kepler website: website: Click on the Downloads linkClick on the Downloads link Page down to Nightly Build VersionPage down to Nightly Build Version Click on www…..nightly/zipClick on www…..nightly/zip Click on bottom file: kepler zipClick on bottom file: kepler zip Save to desktopSave to desktop Double click on installerDouble click on installer Accept all defaults EXCEPT: install to c:\ not to Program FilesAccept all defaults EXCEPT: install to c:\ not to Program Files When install is finished, there should be a directory c:\kepler – open itWhen install is finished, there should be a directory c:\kepler – open it Click on kepler.batClick on kepler.bat Wait patiently!Wait patiently!
Kepler start up screen Model building area (Canvas) Library of components Navigation area Tool bar Search The graph editorThe graph editor –Tool bar –Data tab –Component tab –Canvas –Overview pane
Director/Actor Metaphor Directors define the model of computation to be used in the workflowDirectors define the model of computation to be used in the workflow Every workflow must specify a directorEvery workflow must specify a director Actors know HOW to act..know their part Directors know WHEN they should act Kepler Directors: 1.Continuous Time 2.Discrete Event 3.Process Network: procedural 4.Synchronized Data Flow: subset of Process Net Actor Director
Actors & ports actor name data ports Input data parameters Output data Atomic actor 1 input port2 output ports Reads a dataset Initializing parameters function
Composite Actors Composite actor Open Actor input output
Tool Bar Viewing Running Adding ports
Viewing Zoom In Zoom Reset Zoom Fit Full Screen Zoom Out
Running Workflow Run or resume workflow Pause the workflow Stop the workflow
Running Workflow
Running Workflow Run Window
Adding Ports New input port New output port New input/output port New input multiport New output multiport New input/output multiport “Relation”
Adding ports to actors Data Types String [text] Int [numeric integer] Double [numeric decimal] { } array [n-D matrix]
Searching DataData ActorsActors DirectorsDirectors
Actors Actors are components that execute and communicate with other actors in a model.Actors are components that execute and communicate with other actors in a model.
Actor Library Variety of actors grouped in different ways, according to different ontologiesVariety of actors grouped in different ways, according to different ontologies Same actor shows up in multiple places in the hierarchiesSame actor shows up in multiple places in the hierarchies
Director Governs the execution of a workflow.Governs the execution of a workflow.
Director Library A variety of directors depending upon the type of model being executed.A variety of directors depending upon the type of model being executed.
Get documentation
Using Kepler Executing a ready to run workflowExecuting a ready to run workflow Building a workflowBuilding a workflow –Choosing a director –Choosing actors –Making connections –Building composite actors –Saving and running the model
Open Lotka-Volterra Demo
Lotka-Volterra Predator Prey Model Lotka-Volterra Predator Prey Model
Actors The population growth of species 1 (prey)The population growth of species 1 (prey) The population growth of species 2 (predator)The population growth of species 2 (predator)
Running Workflow
Running Workflow Run Window
Plotting Tool bar printing Reset X and Y ranges to their original values Set plot format Rescale plot to fit the data
Setting the Plot format
Relabeled plot
Change director stop time
Change parameters
Changing n1 and n2 Right-click Configure actor
Opening the LV logistic model
Lotka-Volterra Predator Prey Model with logistic growth Lotka-Volterra Predator Prey Model with logistic growth dn 1/dt r*n1*(1-n1/k)-a*n1*n2 dn 2/dt -d*n2+b*n1*n2
Add workflow parameter k Find: Components/Workflow/Workflow input/Parameters/Parameter Drag and drop on canvas Right-click Configure parameter Set to 100 Right-click Customize name k
Running the model
Opening the Elk/wolf model
Elk/Wolf Predator Prey Model Elk/Wolf Predator Prey Model
Running the model
Making components
Semantic Typing
Drag and drop new actor
General Workflow Construction Procedure Open a new workflowOpen a new workflow Add a directorAdd a director Search for data (optional)Search for data (optional) Add data source (optional)Add data source (optional) Add an actorAdd an actor –Edit parameters Add ports (if needed)Add ports (if needed) –Configure ports Add another actorAdd another actor Hook up input/output portsHook up input/output ports
Kepler Exercise