Alternate - (verb) to do, use or happen in successive turns; to take turns. We chose two students to ____________ in the lead roles for our class clay. (noun) a person acting or prepared to act in place of another; a substitute Juries usually include two or more ______________. (adjective) happening or appearing in turns; every other; being a choice between 2 or more things. The bus driver took an ________________ route. Synonyms: to rotate, change; a replacement, deputy, or substitute
2. Demolish - (verb) to tear down; break to pieces A wrecking crew arrived to _____________ the old building. Synonyms: to raze, destroy, wreck, smash, level Antonyms: to construct, build, restore, mend
3. Energetic - (adjective) active and vigorous, full of energy, forceful Our teacher has an _______________ assistant. Synonyms: hardworking, tireless, peppy Antonyms: idle, lazy, inactive
4. Enforce - (verb) to force obedience to It is the duty of the police to protect citizens and to ___________________ the laws. Synonyms: to carry out Antonyms: to overlook, abandon, disregard
5. Feat - (noun) - an act or deed that shows daring, skill, or strength The crowd cheered when the circus strongman performed a mighty ___________. Synonyms: an achievement, exploit, effort, stroke
6. Hearty - (adjective)- warm and friendly; healthy, lively, and strong; large and satisfying to the appetite We all sat down to enjoy a ________________ meal. Synonyms: cheerful, friendly, fit, healthy; plentiful Antonyms: insincere, phony, weak, sickly
7. Mature Antonyms: immature, inexperienced, raw, green - (verb) - to bring to or reach full development or growth The puppy will ____________ over the summer. (adjective)- fully grown or developed A dog that is 10 years old is fully grown and ____________. Synonyms: to grow, develop, age, ripen; complete, ripe
8. Observant. Antonyms: Inattentive, careless - (adjective)- watchful, quick to notice; careful and diligent An _______________ teacher noticed that the student was having trouble on her test Synonyms: aware, attentive, alert, sharp; dutiful, mindful
9. Primary 1st - (adjective)- first in importance, first in time or order; basic, fundamental Learning how to add fractions was our ____________ or first order of business in class. - (Noun) - an early election that narrows the choice of candidates who willrun in a final election She voted for Barack Obama in the ______________ election. Hillary Clinton won the _______________. Synonyms: highest, main, prime Antonyms: Secondary, last
- (verb) - to give up a job, office, or right or claim 10. Resign Synonyms: to quit, abandon, leave, surrender, give up Richard Nixon was the first President to ________________ from office. He did not get fired from his job, he quit or resigned.
Synonyms: to attempt, struggle, labor, slave, strain, give it your best effort 11. Strive - (verb) - to devote much energy or effort, try hard You must __________ to finish your homework in time.
12. Verdict - (noun) - the decision of a jury at the end of a trial or legal case; any decision The jury brought in a guilty ________________. Synonyms: a ruling, judgment, finding, decision