Expound to Lethargy
to explain in detail; to clarify Many scholars have attempted to expound upon Shakespeare’s family life and its affect on his work.
(verb) To fake; to pretend Although Macbeth feigned interest in his new title “Thane of Glamis,” what he really wanted was to become King.
(adjective)Kind; compassionate; caring In the play, King Duncan was a benevolent ruler who rewarded the Thanes who were good to him.
(adj) Speech or behavior that is bitter in nature Lady Macbeth was acrimonious toward Macbeth when he threatened to not follow her plan.
Wishing evil or harm on others; malicious The dictator was malevolent in his heinous pursuit of the protestors.
To tear down; destroy Many residents were stunned when the Town Council allowed the company to raze the historic building and put up a shopping mall.
Something that is ceaseless; continuing without interruption Tom cringed when the passenger next to him on the flight talked incessantly.
Having unlimited knowledge; all-knowing The author wanted to use an omniscient narrator to be able to tell the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters in the story.
Reasonable; capable of being carried out These days, buying a second home for vacation is simply not feasible.
To pass through; to saturate or spread through The stain permeated the layers of the fancy ball gown.
Showing respect toward someone; demonstrating admiration I show deference toward my elders; they deserve my respect.
To rise and fall; to vary irregularly When the temperatures fluctuate in the spring, I tend to get sick.
The direct or exact opposite of someone or something; contrast
Disguised; pretending not to be oneself The only way I will go to the dance, is if I am incognito.
(noun) Lack of energy; sluggishness Macbeth did not have time for lethargy; after he killed the king, he couldn’t sleep nor sit still.