Lesson 7 Claudia Aliff & Alfredo Melero Criticism
Aspersions noun From Latin ad-, “at; toward” + spargere, “to strew” Attack on a person’s character or honesty; damaging or unfavorable remarks.
Compunction noun From Latin com-, “together” + pungere, “to prick” A strong uneasiness caused by a sense of guilt; a sting of conscience or pang of guilt.
Derision noun From Latin de-, “completely” + ridere, “to laugh at” Hateful or mocking laughter; ridicule.
Disapprobation noun From Latin dis-, “not” + ab-, “to” + probare, “to test” Moral disapproval
Ostracize verb From Greek ostrakon, “shell; potsherd” To banish or exclude from a group; to shun.
Rebuke From Latin re-, “back” + Old French buker, “to strike or chop wood” verb To criticize sharply noun Strong criticism
Revulsion noun From Latin re-, “back” + vellere, “to tear” A sudden, intense feeling of disgust.
Scurrilous adjective From Latin scurra, “buffoon” Vulgar, coarse, or abusive in expression; foul-mouthed
Spurn verb From Old English spurnan, “to kick; to strike against” To reject scornfully
Vitriolic adjective From Latin vitreolus, “of glass” Intensely and bitterly harsh; stinging