Patrick F. Bassett, NAIS President PoCC/SDLC 2012 Houston, TX
The Good News: Data To Use Diversity & Complexity - Scott Page In any and all systems (nature, corporate, educational, disease), the more diverse the system, the stronger and more likely to persist and succeed. Mathematically demonstrable: a formula to predict the higher likelihood of success of diverse systems If you assemble the 100 “smartest” people you can find in one group and a random and diverse set of people in a second group, the second group outperforms in decision making every time.
The Good News: Data To Use
Good news for you at PoCC & SDLC: You were smart to come here. And picked to come here as leaders. You’ll be better leaders when you leave. And smarter! Those that refuse to embrace diversity will miss the boat to the future of the species.
The End! (See related slides in Appendix)