Analysing the impact of globalisation on entrepreneurship and SMEs Mariarosa Lunati Paris, November st Meeting of the Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers
Background - Analytical work of the OECD Working Party on SMEs and Entrepreneurship (WPSMEE) on: - internationalisation - financing - innovation - ………. - General issues: availability of business statistics by size class for different economic variables; measures of entrepreneurship; increasing interest in firm-level data 2
New project on Globalisation How does having greater trade across their borders or higher FDI flows (or other measures of globalisation) affect the creation, survival or death of enterprises? Is the effect the same in all the sectors of the economy? Is there an effect on the average size of firms at birth? Do firms that choose to internationalise have different rates of birth, survival and death and product renewal to firms that just focus locally? Are SMEs in those countries that have greater trade across their borders or higher FDI flows better performing than those in countries less open? Is the effect the same in all the sectors of the economy? Are SMEs that compete globally more profitable or competitive than non internationalising firms? Is the effect the same in all the sectors of the economy? 3
Some Data requirements Trade by size class: develop the linking of trade and structural business statistics (years available; services; more non EU countries) FDI by size class: official sources? Databases linking data on innovation activities with administrative (or other firm level) data Financial data by size class: sources? Links with other firm level databases? 4