POSC 1000 Introduction to Politics Russell Alan Williams
Part One: Introduction Nation-States, Nationalism and Globalization Required Reading: Mintz, Chap 2. Unit Objectives: Introduction to “states” and “nations” Discussion of the impact of globalisation on states Outline: 1. Introduction 2. The “State” 3. The “Nation” 4. Globalisation 5. For next time
1) Introduction – themes: Struggle over: Statehood Nationalism Sovereignty Most divisive issues in modern politics But are these empty goals in the era of “globalization”?
2) The “State”: State: An independent political community whose governing institutions have the capability to make rules that are binding on population resident within the territory. “ Jurisdiction ” = Governing and law-making authority over geographic area and population “ Government ” = Institutions that make and implement decisions for a particular state
“Sovereignty”: Principle in intn’t law = states have right to govern population & territory No outside interference!!! Key aspect of statehood Basis of sovereignty? International law = Rights of Kings.... Modern international law = liberal democracy? E.g. Sovereignty of Taliban in Afghanistan (2001)
Argument: Sovereignty is never absolute Some states are stronger then others... Some domestic policies are unacceptable (E.g. Genocide)
3) The “Nation” “Nation”: Group of people who share common sense of identity. Typically believe in right to self government and statehood/sovereignty =“National Self-Determination” –Result: “nation-state” Based on: “Nationalism”: Idea that “nation-state” is best form of political community and that a nation should have its own state.
Types of nationalism: 1) “Ethnic Nationalism”: Based on common ancestry, cultural traditions and language that are associated with an ethnic group. E.g. Eastern Europe – Break up of Yugoslavia Leads to many more nation states.... 2) “Civic Nationalism”: Based on shared political values and political history of those who are citizens of a country. Based on “Citizenship”: All permanent residents are full members of the political community Examples?
Question: Is the “nation-state” a good thing???? 1) Creating nation states is almost always violent. Leads to: Civil wars (Georgia) Ethnic cleansing and/or genocide (Yugoslavia) 2) As an “ideal type”, they are rare... E.g. Japan and some smaller European states Most states have multiple ethnic groups and nations = “Binational and Multinational States” “Failed states”: State that has lost ability to maintain order Often product of national/ethnic violence
Sudan: A “Failed State”? co.uk/news/worl d-africa
4) Globalisation “Globalisation”: Processes that are increasing the interconnectedness of the world Relationship to nationalism? Types: 1) Economic globalisation = increasing trade and investment flows Argument: Good for economy Argument: Bad for sovereignty and equality
2) Cultural Globalisation = spread of cultural influences Consumer culture Political values E.g. Spread of Democracy “Homogenization” rather than national cultures Nationalism traditionally main source of: “Identity Politics”: Groups seek recognition of their particular identity Globalisation supports more diverse forms of identity politics
3) Political Globalisation = Increasing role of global institutions in determining public policy E.g. World Trade Organization Argument: Reduces importance of “sovereign states”