30-Oct-2000 Introduction to the Internet §14: :30 Session 1 §15: :00 Session 2 §Vivien Hall, Birkbeck CCS §Please sign register and collect notes from front
Aims §Introduce Internet terminology §Practice using Internet tools §Look at some of the educational material on the Internet §Introduce search engines - more on this in ’Internet Searching’ workshop
Where Birkbeck fits in §PC’s connect to Birkbeck (bbk) network §Birkbeck network connects to UK Academic Network (ac.uk), also called JANET for Joint Academic Network §UK Academic Network connects to the Internet.
The World Wide Web Your computer Birkbeck Network JANET Internet
Personal Computer §You §The screen §The mouse §The keyboard §Word processing etc. §No access control (Username/password)
Networked Workstations §Everything a PC does §Find information from other computers §Other computers at Birkbeck (e.g Library) §Other computers everywhere (Internet) §May have Access Control
CCS Networked Workstations §Access Control - needs CCS username/password §‘Logging in’ identifies you to the Birkbeck Academic Network §You can now use it as a PC §You can also use the Library computers §You can view things on the Internet §You can log in to other computers
Internet §A network of networks §Links Computers in different countries §Sometimes response is slow due to distance and no. of people using it. §Other computers may also have access control - need a different username & password ( Biology Topclass, Library databases accessed through ATHENS)
Internet Architecture bbk ac.uk www
Viewing data on the Internet §You use a piece of software called a browser §The one we use is called Netscape. §You view pages. All pages have a unique address, called a Uniform Resource Locator (or URL) §The Birkbeck home page URL is
Browsing §The pages have links to other pages §Following the links is called Browsing §This can be time consuming. §There is a lot of stuff out there §There is no control over it. §Most of it is irrelevant to you
Short Cuts §When you find something you can bookmark it §If you know the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) you can go straight to it. §You can search for keywords
Warning §Internet changes quickly so links get out of date §UK evenings are USA p.m’s so Net is busy & will be slow. Be prepared to stop slow transfers & try again another time
Practical session §Use your own username/PC password if you have it §Use the username next to your name on the register if you haven’t §The instructor will tell you the password.
About the Notes §Work through examples at your own pace. §Things to try have bullets ( ) next to them §Exercise 1 & 2 are for you to do in your heads §Ask if you need help
Update to notes §Netscape 4.7 icon on desktop