Contentment Is Not Not a Buddhist suppression of all desire. Not a Stoic resignation to a helpless fate. Not a Self-Centered indifference to the state of our neighbors. Not an Apathetic perspective on life.
Christian Contentment Contentment is a developed attitude of peace with our place in life regarding God’s gifts as sufficient and God’s assignments as appropriate. Christian contentment has nothing to do with insensitivity or inertia. It has everything to do with Christian self-acceptance. Especially, an acceptance of God’s sovereignty and providence as these affect one’s station, task, and resources in life. Yet, Christian contentment allows room for aspiration and a concern for improvement.
Christian Contentment It is a glad, trustful, repose in God and a humble participation in His purposes and dealings. It is a state of mind and heart arising from a “grace induced” awareness of God’s goodness at the very foundation of our life.
The Nature of Contentment I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me Contentment Is Personal: “I, Me” Contentment Is Optimistic: “Can” Contentment Is Active: “Do” Contentment Is Encompassing: “All Things” Contentment Is Dependent: “Through Christ” Contentment Is Challenging: “Who Strengthens”
Contentment Is Learned “I have learned to be content…” The School of Humble Means “going hungry” “suffering need” The School of Prosperity “being filled” “having abundance”
Lessons That Promote Contentment The Nature of God: He Is On Our Side Hebrews 13:5, Jeremiah 29:11 The Nature of Life: There Are Always Ups & Downs Genesis 39:20-21 The Nature of God’s Kingdom: We Are Here To Serve John 13:17 The Nature of Earthly Possessions: We Have All We Really Need 1 Timothy 6:6-8 The Nature of Our Reward: Incomparable & Unsurpassable Romans 8:18, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Putting Contentment Into Practice Applying Contentment In The Basic Areas of Our Lives Where I Am, What I Do, What I Have, & Who I Am With The Always Available Tool: Thankfulness Build A Mental Filter Against Greed Meditate On God’s Word: Give It Time