Walking Through The Seas of Life EXODUS 14:5-10 God’s Deliverance of Israel- He will make all the difference in whether they get across or not. GOD HAD.


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Presentation transcript:

Walking Through The Seas of Life EXODUS 14:5-10 God’s Deliverance of Israel- He will make all the difference in whether they get across or not. GOD HAD A PLAN FOR THEIR DELIVERANCE BEFORE THEY GOT TO THE SEA (Ex. 13:17,18). He led them the long way around. Sometimes our deliverance comes from God leading us the long way around. God uses our actions to work together for our good( Rom. 8:28). We want the shortcuts but we do not know what is best for us in the long run.

Facts About The Long Way Remember How Israel Arrived in Egypt? Joseph? Notice how many years it took for Israel to develop into a large group. God’s plan was the best plan. God Told Moses His Plan (Ex. 14:1-4). He told Moses what route to take for the people to be delivered from Pharoah. God has plans for us sometimes that we do not understand. Many times we are at a seeming dead end and do not know the way but it is “not in man that walks to direct his own steps” (Jer. 10:23).

Watching God Work Ex. 14: Do not fear—stand and see the salvation of the Lord. No matter how bad it seemed God had said, “I will deliver you.” He will fight for us if we walk with Him Acts 23:11-Jesus told Paul he must go to Rome. Things did not look good for him at this point. Brethren did not want that for Paul. Remember the precious promises of God 2 Peter 1:4 He is faithful to His promise Heb:10:23.

God Protects In Deliverance Ex. 14: The cloud changed position and stood between Egypt and Israel. It gave light to Israel and darkness to Egypt God promised in 1 Cor. 10:13 that there is a way of escape from sin. There is safety in Christ. Must be in Him to be safe. An army can build a fort, but unless they go inside they are vulnerable. 1 Peter 1:5 says we are protected by God’s power.

GOD HAS A PATH FOR DELIVERANCE Ex. 14:15-16, verse 15 tells us the way was to go forward. God opened the way straight ahead. Left and right there was a wall of water and behind was Egypt. Later in Joshua 1:7 God encourages Joshua to be strong and courageous and do not turn to right or left and meditate on the word observe and do it then you will have success. We must do the same. Put on the whole armor (Eph. 6:10) Phil. 3:12- “I press on forgetting the past”

HOW MUCH FAITH? Would you walk through the path God made for Israel in the midst of the Red Sea? No idea what would happen. 1. We would if we had faith in the designer of the world. We would have to trust Him. 2. According to Heb :1- we have a great cloud of witnesses that say we can trust Him. Heb. 11:29- by faith Moses passed through the Red Sea

GOD SHOWS HIS POWER Ex. 14: His power over the sea 14:21- caused the sea to part 15:8- with the blast of His nostrils 15:3- He destroyed the armies of Egypt with his right hand Psalm 78:13 verifies this happened. God is powerful enough to destroy all His enemies. He will in due time. He can give you the victory if you will trust Him.

God’s Deliverance Demands Our Praise Ex. 15:1-3- response to God for delivering HOW DO WE RESPOND WHEN DELIVERED. Must rejoice. GOD HAS MADE A STRAIT AND NARROW WAY FOR US TO WALK ( Mt. 7:14). If we do so we can have deliverance eternally from sin. If we will just have the faith to obey Him. Do you really trust the Lord to lead you in the right ways? Do you trust Him to lead you through the seas of life? He is able to deliver you and me.

How Are We Delivered? Without going through the sea of baptism there will be no deliverance from sin (Mk. 16:16) Without baptism into Christ there is no deliverance from sin (Gal. 3:27) Without humble repentance of sin and prayer for forgiveness there is no deliverance for the Christian (Acts 8- Simon the sorcerer). We must look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith (Heb. 12:2) When we follow Him He will translate us from the power of darkness into the kingdom. READ 1 Cor. 10:1-12