Nguyen Tuan Anh
VN-Grid: Goals Grid middleware (focus of this presentation) Tuan Anh Grid applications Hoai
Infrastructure elements Physical view Sites HCMUT, UCMUNS, HCMUI, … Grid nodes (computing elements) Clusters, MPP, Workstations End-user (Application) Run [parallel] applications on those Grid nodes transparently
What services needed?
Resource monitoring Web VN-Grid Layered Architecture ClusterWorkstationMPP Management software WSGRAM interface GT4 WSGRAM InformationDiscoveryExecution Agent Management software WSGRAM interface Agent WSGRAM interface Agent GT4 WSGRAM Application supporting tools GT4 CONTAINER
Executing a job
VN-Grid middleware services Information Nga, Hung Discovery Ha, Hoang Anh Reservation From EDAGrid Execution From EDAGrid
Service: Information Functionality Store, query and update resource information Implemented as Grid services Collect information Resources on each Grid node Network information between Grid nodes and sub-nets inside its Site Network information between an internal Grid node to/from external ones (progressively collected) Services (URLs) on each Grid nodes Receive registration information from other Sites Discovery services of other sites
Service: Information Requirements Collect information Resource information Script /daemon on each Grid node Adapt script for each Cluster Management System Job information Submitted jobs and their status Network bandwidth: Some “measure point” (iperf) servers Bandwidth service Grid node services Using a Globus tool to obtain and publish Access published information Through WSRF Information services Allow flexible query/update ANY available information
Service: Information Requirement interfaces A “pure” well-defined Java interface to access the WSRF service All WSRF-specific code should be hidden inside this interface “User” of this service does not need to understand WSRF JUnit test suite to test different services
Resource discovery Functionality Provide service for discover [all] resource sets satisfy a given requirement Requirements are specified in JSDL format Discovery Local site matching Obtain “neighbor” sites from its information service Forward [partial] requests to neighbor sites for further discovery Update information service if a new site found
Service: discovery A “pure” well-defined Java interface to access the WSRF service All WSRF-specific code should be hidden inside this interface “User” of this service does not need to understand WSRF JUnit test suite
Execution Functionality Receive user jobs Described in XML/JSDL Job type: Multiple, single, MPI MPI allowed only on a single Grid node Access discovery services to find resources Access Reservation and WSGRAM on each found resource to launch the execution Requirement Pure-Java interface Junit test suite
Resource monitoring Web site to display Grid resources Can browse resources (Grid nodes) from site to site SCMS Web from PRAGMA?