Sahaj Marg Spiritual Movement The Spiritual Awakening of All What can we do as abhyasis? Learn to Meditate
Flexibility in Preceptor Work Seekers can meditate before being introduced. Seekers may join satsangh before being introduced. Seekers may be introduced in groups. Seekers may be introduced remotely. Group Individual Sittings Remote Sittings Remote Satsanghs Group Introductory Sittings Group Individual Sitting:One preceptor can give individual sittings to many abhyasis at the same time. These abhyasis can be in the same location or spread at remote locations. Remote Sittings: Abhyasis can take sittings or attend satsanghs with a preceptor attending to them from a remote location. Abhyasis should use this only when absolutely needed and not for their convenience. Preceptor will call abhyasi and ask to start meditating, then call back later to end sitting. Abhyasi should call or SMS how they felt during the sitting. Remote Satsanghs. The abhyasis can start and terminate the satsangh by just connecting with a remote preceptor.
His Vision “The big wave is already there. Let’s take the benefit of it and make every person aware of Sahaj Marg meditation; that we exist. They may continue, they may not continue. It does not matter. As long as they know we are here to help them, they will come one day whenever their heart really craves for it.” Kamlesh D. Patel Tiruvallur, 24th July 2015
What is Heartfulness? Sahaj Marg is very much there with this Heartfulness programme. Shri Ram Chandra Mission is an institution, Sahaj Marg is the name of the path that we follow, and Heartfulness is the way we approach people, the way we approach our own hearts, the way we approach the divinity in our hearts with love, the essence of Sahaj Marg. Kamlesh D. Patel, Tiruvallur, 24th July 2015 Heartfulness is about feeling the lightness and joy of our true nature and experiencing it in our hearts. When we listen to the heart and capture the inspiration that comes from within, we can master our life. This exercise of fine-tuning the heart with the mind is done through meditation on the heart. It is simple, easy and effective, and can be done every day in the comfort of your own home. Mission Shri Ram Chandra Mission Method Sahaj Marg Approach Heartfulness
Heartfulness Programmes Relaxation Technique - helps to prepare for meditation Practical Experience of Meditation Phased approach to Sahaj Marg - at the seeker’s pace Heartfulness Initiatives - Heartfulness Workshops - for all seekers C-Connect Programmes - for corporates U-Connect Programmes - for educational institutions G-Connect Programmes - for government organisations V-Connect Programmes - for villages Conscious Living - for children and young teens Omega Science & Spirituality Club - on campus Help Desk Heartfulness Workshops: Can be connected for all seekers in residential areas, apartment complexes, etc. C-Connect Programmes: We need high-level, top management contacts to get approval for this programme to be conducted in corporate houses, organisations, institutions, etc. U-Connect: Meditation workshops for faculty and staff at schools and colleges. Relaxation for students. G-Connect: Approach government organisations and departments to conduct these programmes. V-Connect: Taking Sahaj Marg to villages through Panchayat or local level organisations or small groups. Conscious Living: Essay Event, Values Education, Omega Science and Spirituality Club - On campus club to spread the word among students and have relaxation and meditation as a continuous activity Help Desk: At ashrams to talk to seekers who walk-in and may need to be introduced to relaxation technique or meditation. To talk to them and put them on to a preceptor for sittings if required.
Typical Workshop Format
The Power of Suggestion We are responsible for the environment around us - our family, our home, our neighbourhood, workplace, etc. Through these suggestions we can create an atmosphere where it becomes easier for us to introduce meditation. All sisters and brothers throughout the world are being filled with love and devotion and real faith is growing stronger in their hearts. All sisters and brothers are developing correct thinking, right understanding and an honest approach to life. Everything around us is deeply absorbed in Godly remembrance. All sisters and brothers who are really craving for the Ultimate are being attracted towards our great beloved Master. They are all being pulled towards him. May they all benefit with your Grace.
Volunteers Required Help Desk at ashrams and major sub-centres “If Sahaj Marg is a movement, not an organisation, and if the Sahaj Marg movement has to really touch the hearts of people, all of us will have to become conduits. That must become our cause and how are we going to do it?” Kamlesh D. Patel Bangalore, 29th July 2015 Help Desk at ashrams and major sub-centres Each prefect to motivate at least 6 or 7 abhyasis to assist in follow-up and facilitation of sessions. Spread the word about Master’s vision to all abhyasis Look for opportunities to conduct these sessions and workshops Talk to people you know, teach them the relaxation technique With new prospective abhyasis, do not explain things like - 9 pm prayer, Individual sitting in 15 days, etc.. introduce only phased approach.