21 Habits of Happy People
Habit #1 Appreciate Life *Make the most of each day *Don’t take things for granted
Habit #2 Choose friends wisely *ones that will help you feel good about yourself *ones that share the same values as you
Habit #3 Be considerate of others *Accept and respect others for who they are *Help others when you are able to *Try to brighten the day of everyone you come into contact with
Habit #4 Learn continuously *try new things *read!
Habit #5 Creative problem-solving *find solutions *trust your instincts
Habit #6 Do what you love *choose a career you enjoy *enjoy your hobbies
Habit #7 Enjoy Life *see the beauty around you *live in the present
Habit #8 Laugh! *find the humor in things *learn to laugh at yourself
Habit #9 Forgive *others *yourself
Habit #10 Gratitude *count your blessings *tell others you are grateful
Habit #11 Invest in Relationships *make time for loved ones *keep your promises
Habit #12 Keep your word *be honest with yourself and others
Habit #13 Meditate *give your brain a break!
Habit #14 Mind your own business! *don’t listen to gossip
Habit #15 Optimism *look for the silver lining in the cloud *the glass is half full attitude
Habit #16 Love unconditionally *no limitations on love
Habit #17 Persistence *never give up!
Habit #18 Be proactive *take control *think ahead
Habit #19 Self-care *eat healthy *exercise, rest
Habit #20 Self-confidence *do your best *don’t second guess yourself
Habit #21 Take responsibility *admit when you’re wrong