How Experiential, Social, and On-demand Learning Trends Impact Your Design Reuben Aaron E.
In the next hour… We’re addressing Learning Experiences Social Learning Learning-on-Demand
Experience Design Grok Inquire Design
Assumptions … Things we’re putting in a box untouched for today’s exercise: Compliance training Compliance training The LMS The LMS Prescribed “Learning” Prescribed “Learning” Access by Org Chart Access by Org Chart
Assumptions… All objects are identifiable The cloud is a single system Individual computers are processors for the cloud The cloud connects what we share about ourselves, who we know, where we are and where we need to be. We willingly share this information.
Experiential Learning Grok
a new, inverted lens with which to revisit the phenomenon of learning in a technology mediated landscape.
Experiential Learning Qualities of learning experiences: Self-confidence Belief that one can improve Joy, surprise and awe Desire to connect with others to share the experience Shared sense that relationships are strengthened as a result
Experiential Learning The notion that the future can enhance the present is a wonderful and insightful concept. Very nice: ‘The latent potential of a future experience.’ Don Norman, “The Design of Everyday Things”
Experiential Learning Inquire
In your life, what was one learning experience you had that helped influence the person you are today? How would you describe what you were like before it? How did you change?
Experiential Learning What audiences would benefit from learning experiences in your organization? What activities would they participate in? To what ends would they develop? How would you gauge success (what problems would this solve)?
Experiential Learning What are some big, overriding themes that can orient the design of separate learning activities towards something "bigger?"
Experiential Learning Design
Consider the last work of eLearning you helped to create. What were its goals? What performance outcomes were married to the broader effort the eLearning was created to affect?
Experiential Learning What challenges to the status quo would the overall design of a learning experience present to your stakeholders? What would they stand to gain?
Learning On Demand Grok
Growing catalogs of content Unknown unknowns Achieving context
Learning On Demand Accessibility vs. Aesthetics Different devices and requirements Measuring against learning objectives Satisfying compliance requirements
Learning On Demand The semantic web connects data from different sources, connecting to the real thing.
Learning On Demand Inquire
We are always told, information is not training. How does Google® change the need for training?
If we can embed communication into inanimate objects, surely we can embed learning into our workflow
Learning On Demand In the last eLearning project you worked on, what elements could have been embedded into your work environment?
Learning On Demand Design
If you redesign Google® as a learning system, how would it change? What features would you add, take out, modify?
Learning On Demand How do your design process and workflow differ from eLearning when designing Learning On Demand materials? What information do you need to design? Who has these data?
Social Learning Grok
Every culture with more than one person in it is a social culture.
Social Learning More and more systems are integrating social capabilities into global business social media efforts In a professional setting, it is acceptable to expect outcomes from participation in social media streams?
Social Learning Messages, memes, information and misinformation spread through social channels.
Social Learning Social learning has always been around and part of formal education and training. What is different are the tools.
Social Learning Inquire
Social learning is often equated with informal learning. How do you differentiate? How do you use this distinction in design and planning?
Social Learning What design options do you have for social learning? Do different tools yield different outcomes?
Social Learning How do you formally plan for social learning as part of the broader learning experience?
Social Learning Design
Design a system that both offers social learning and integration with more formal learning structures? What would the user interface look like?
Social Learning What would the ISD process look like if you were only designing social learning?
Analytics Hidden Presentation Bonus
Analytics Focusing only on analytics that could apply to social learning, what would bring out the value of social learning to your organization?
Design Principles Design utility beyond the intervention Manage content that needs to be managed Widen the path of content delivery – allow exploration beyond what your trying to teach Whenever possible allow the web to understand your content. Closing Thoughts
Thank You! Reuben Tozman, Aaron Silvers,