Technology Semester #2 - Quarter #2 - Week #2 Presentation - Part to
MS Word Instructional Lessons (continued…)
Semester #2 - Quarter #2 - Week #2 Class #3 - Essential Questions Is the entire school including students, teachers, and staff taking ownership for the success of the "We Plant Peace" tree kit sales fundraiser campaign to sell 500 tree kits for $5 each from March 16, 2015 to April 10, 2015? Are you leading for the causes of the environment, peace, and our school through the Prepa Tec Tree Sales Fundraiser?
1.) Begin to ask yourself… “Why are we as a school doing the “We Plant Peace” tree kit sales fundraiser campaign to sell 500 tree kits for $5 each from March 16, 2015 to April 10, 2015?” Do Now: (Third class option this week)
Objectives: (Third class option this week) S.W.B.A.T.: 1.) Articulate the logical purposes and many important reasons behind the Prepa Tec “We Plant Peace” Tree Sales Fundraiser. 2.) Partner and lead in a campaign for the causes of the environment, peace, and our school by participating fully and reaching a sales goal of 500 trees sold for $5 each for all of Prepa Tec.
Accessing Prepa Tec Homework 1.Go to 2.Click on “STUDENTS” 3.Click on your Grade Level, 6 th, 7 th, or 8 th.
Homework (THIS IS A 2 WEEK HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT WHICH INCLUDES THE WEEK OF SPRING BREAK!) 1).) Complete 2 hours of Code on new personal account accessible through ) Complete the Opening Paragraph with Hook and Thesis for your Technology Research Paper. 3.) Complete the First Section related to the "Origin, History, and Timeline" including a Topic Sentence for your Technology Research Paper. 4.) Extra Credit: Sell 3 tree kits for $5 each for the “We Plant Peace” Prepa Tec Tree Sales Fundraiser. Share our website to help you at ) Extra Credit: Complete 1-2 page written essay with a Graphic Organizer Map on one of the Our IB Attitudes or IB Learner Profiles. (Required if assigned due to class behavior consequences.) (Late work submitted is subject to a deduction of minus 10% per each class period turned in late.