Safety in the Shop Using Hand Tools
Problem: How can I know what tool to select and use?
Selecting Hand Tools Hand tools are the most effective and efficient way to do many jobs Tool: Any instrument used in doing work
Selecting Hand Tools Hand tool: Any tool operated by hand to do work Used to do a task or job that could not be done with the bare hand or without the tool Power tool: Operated by some source of power other than human power
Selecting Hand Tools Quality tool Right Tool Safety Evaluate the job to be done Number of time you will use it
Problem: What tools are needed to measure and mark materials in layout?
Layout Tools Tool used to measure or mark wood, metal, and other materials.
Layout Tools Ruler Tape measure Square Level
Layout Tools:
Standard English Measurement Most construction in this country is done using inches, feet, and yards Metric measurements using millimeters, centimeters, and meters is used in many other countries
Anticipated Problem: What tools are needed to cut, shape, and bore?
Once materials are measured and marked, they need to be cut, shaped, and bored as needed to prepare for assembling
Saws Classified by use and teeth per inch. An 8-point saw would have 8 teeth per inch. Handsaws include the: Crosscut, rip, compass or keyhole, and coping.
Shaping Tools Includes planes, wood chisel, and rasps.
Plane Tool used to smooth surfaces and change the size or shape of wood materials. Planes include: Jack Plane Smoothing Plane Block Plane
Wood Chisel Wedge-shaped cutting tool used to cut notches and shaving off excess wood Come in a variety of widths and are generally hit with a wooden mallet. (Pictures Courtesy, Interstate Publishers, Inc.)
Wood Rasp Also known as a wood file Used for smoothing rough work and for removing small amounts of wood on curved and irregular- shaped objects. (Pictures Courtesy, Interstate Publishers, Inc.)
Boring Tools Includes the hand drill push drill brace and bit
Anticipated Problem: What hand tools are used for holding and turning?
Holding or Gripping Tools Help complete the job quicker, easier, and safer Clamps and vises Used to hold or grip wood or metal while being cut, shaped, bored, and fastened Pliers,wrenches, and screwdrivers Used at times for holding, gripping, or turning.
Clamps Types: C-clamp Bar clamp Hand Screw clamp
Machinist’s Vise Made for heavy duty work Have jaws that grip materials to keep them from slipping Often mounted to a shop table. (Pictures Courtesy, Interstate Publishers, Inc.)
Pliers Types: Combination pliers (slip joint and adjustable) Needle nose pliers (Long Round Nose) Diagonal side cutting pliers Channel lock pliers Locking pliers (vise grips)
Pliers (Pictures Courtesy, Interstate Publishers, Inc.)
Wrenches Used for gripping and tightening Include adjustable jaw (crescent wrenches) fixed jaw socket set screw (Allen wrench) pipe wrenches nut driver
Screwdrivers Either: Standard (Flat Blade) Phillips (Cross Point)
Anticipated Problem: What hand tools are used for driving and wrecking?
Driving and Wrecking Tools Driving tools To fasten building materials together. Examples: Hammers, Mallets, Sledge Hammers and Staplers
Driving and Wrecking Tools Wrecking Tools To take building materials apart Examples: Crowbars, flat bars, cat’s paw, and tack removers
Wrecking Tools Includes: Crow Bars Flat Bars Cat’s Paw Tack Puller