Group 4s project
Macy- the children at the rainbow day care center need more toys and things to do while they are there so my group has decided to have a fundraiser to buy those things for them. Isabella- there will be a bake sale and face painting and things like that. It will be so much fun! Mackenzie- this day care center is important to us because it is one of the few day care centers in that area and if it does not get more toys soon the children that go there will get bored and not go there anymore then the day care center will go out of business and the parents of the children that used to go there will have to find a new day care center for their children to go to. James and Cyrus- and that is why rainbow child day care center needs more toys! James- so please come to our fundraiser. Cyrus- remember it will be tons of fun! Isabella- this fundraiser is taking place September Donations are accepted.
Macy must now use the webcam.
Mackenzie will now show her wiki and article.